Wednesday 11 August 2010

Dr who fourth doctor quotes The Stones of Blood

Romana I: K-9, what is tennis?
K-9: Real, lawn or table, mistress?
Romana I: Never mind. Forget it.
K-9: Forget. Erase memory banks concerning tennis. [Whirrs] Memory erased.
The Doctor: If they should break through, run as if something very nasty were after you, because something very nasty will be after you.
The Doctor: Doesn't the blood upset you then?
Vivien Fay: Oh, it'll probably be just another sacrifice.
Romana I: I thought you told me Earth was civilized now.
Professor Amelia Rumford: It's getting exciting, isn't it?
Professor Amelia Rumford: I know you're under considerable strain, Doctor, but, please, keep a grip on yourself!
The Doctor: Nobody home but us Druids!
Leonard De Vries: His blood is still warm! I know what to do.
The Doctor: I hope that knife's been properly sterilized.
Leonard DeVries: Blasphemer!
The Doctor: No, no, you can catch all sorts of things from a dirty knife- lockjaw, tetanus, not to mention staphylococcal infections...
Martha: I won't be a party to this!
The Doctor: Good for you!
Romana I: What's that?
Vivien Fay: A policeman's truncheon. Last year when she went to lecture in New York, she took it with her in case she got mugged.
Romana I: And did she get mugged?
Vivien Fay: No. She got arrested for carrying an offensive weapon.
Professor Rumford: Doctor, did I understand you correctly? That thing is made of stone.
The Doctor: Yes and it's closing in on us fast.
Professor Rumford: But it's impossible.
The Doctor: No it isn't. We're standing still.
Professor Rumford: I meant, a silicon-based life form is unknown, unheard of, impossible.
The Doctor: Maybe it doesn't realize that.
Professor Rumford: I still don't understand about hyperspace.
The Doctor: Who does?
K-9: I do.
The Doctor:Oh, shut up, K9! It's all to do with interspatial geometry.
Professor Rumford: I never studied that.
The Doctor: I'm not suprised. They gave up teaching that some two thousand years ago, even on Gallifrey.
Professor Amelia Rumford: Doctor, may I ask you a personal question?
The Doctor: Well, I don't see how I can stop you asking.
Professor Rumford: Are you from outer space?
The Doctor: No.
Professor Rumford: Oh.
The Doctor: More from what you'd call 'Inner Time'.
Megara 2: The prisoner has been tried and sentenced in his absence. The sentence will be carried out.
Megara 1: The sentence is death. You are to be executed immediately.
Vivien Fay: Oh, may I watch? You don't mind, do you, Doctor?
The Doctor: No, be my guest. I wouldn't want you to miss my execution.
The Doctor: Objection!
Megara 2: On what grounds?
The Doctor: How can there possibly be a sentence when there hasn't been a trial?
Megara 2: There has.
The Doctor: There has?
Megara 1: I defended you.
Megara 2: I was judge. You were found guilty.
The Doctor: But I wasn't there!
Megara 2: Immaterial. Your counsel was. He was most eloquent on your behalf.
Megara 1: You are a humanoid, and therefore quite incapable of appreciating the subtleties of the law.
Professor Amelia Rumford: Where's that Dunkirk spirit? Never say die!
K9: I never say die, but I cannot hold.
The Doctor: Now remember. Give it thirty seconds and then ‘pow!’
Professor Amelia Rumford: ‘Pow’?
The Doctor: Yes, ‘pow!’ Pow – pow’s a technical expression, Professor, it means all the microcircuits have been fused in one great ‘gyuh!’ of molten metal.
The Doctor: Hello. Did I short circuit?

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