Monday 28 February 2011

Tardis Times Magazine February Edition

The Tardis Times Cover

Dr who quotes Daleks Planet of the Daleks

Dalek: Energy levels building to lift-off capacity. Prepare for ascent!
Head of the Supreme Dalek Council: Report! Aliens still apprimmitive! All Dalek units are to be signed through the capture immediatley. Take charge of all controls. Report on invisibility experiments.
Dalek: Daleks can now achieve total invisibility in periods in exess of two work cycles.
Dalek Supreme: Satisfactory. The Supreme council has ordered our army to be activated immediatley. The invasion of all solar planets is to begin today!
Head of the Supreme Dalek Coucil: Order space transporters to assemble and await landing orders.
Dalek: I obey.
Head of the Supreme Dalek Council: The action of the aliens has caused considerable disruption of operations on this planet.
Dalek: This was a matter beyond my control.
Head of the Supreme Dalek Council: Your orders were to exterminate them!
Dalek: It has not been possible. We have been unable to use the bacteria bombs.
Head of the Supreme Dalek Council: The responsibility was yours! You have failed! The Supreme Council does not accept failure!

144: The Feast of Axos and Companion Chronicles 5:08 The Perpetual Bond

144: The Feast of Axos and Companion Chronicles 5:08 The Perpetual Bond

Timelink: The Unofficial and Unauthorised Guide to Continuity in Doctor Who

An in-depth exploration of the complex continuity of the world's longest running science fiction television programme, Doctor Who. Over fifteen years in the making, Timelink offers a different perspective on the history of the universe as told through the many adventures of the Doctor. Author Jon Preddle presents fresh theories and solutions to some of the many continuity anomalies and discrepancies in the series.

This is one book that no self-respecting fan of Doctor Who can be without. The analysis encompasses both the original series which ran from 1963 to 1989, the one-off Paul McGann TV Movie of 1996, the 2005 - 2008 Doctor Who revival helmed by Russell T Davies, as well as Torchwood and The Sarah Jane Adventures.

'Preddle's stamina, invention and clever observations have the grey matter firing - and somehow, he makes this beast readable… The author has spent a decade calculating the Doctor's age, defining a Gallifreyan year and working out when Snakedancing was banned on Manussa - and the resultant work would take another ten years to fully absorb. Almost endless, Timelink is the answer to everything you never thought you wanted to know.'


Short Trips CD Volume 2

Get ready for eight fantastic new adventures in space and time with the Doctor and his companions, featuring stories from many of Doctor Who’s most popular authors from the worlds of television, print, comics and audio, as well as new talent and fresh voices... and read by your favourite Big Finish actors!

See it Here

Big Finish Companion Volume 1

A comprehensive guide to Big Finish releases including Doctor Who, Bernice Summerfield, Dark Shadows, The Tomorrow People, Sapphire and Steel, Stargate, Highlander and more. Contains facts, trivia and behind the scenes interviews. Hardback, coffee-table format.


4:09 Lucie Miller

See it Here

Sunday 27 February 2011

Last weeks Reviews

DOCTOR WHO: 42 Minutes of Real Time Running Around and Shouting

"The Feast of Steven"

094 – The Traitors (The Daleks’ Master Plan Part 4)

Doctor Who Ace Custom Review

Doctor Who Series 5 Review: The Eleventh Hour

Doctor Who Experience review

Doctor Who Book Review 7- The Stone Rose (2007) And Collection Update

Doctor Who Action Figure Review: Resurrection of the Daleks Set

doctor who the beggining boxset dvd review 2011.

this doctor goes to eleven.

Dr. Who (The Early Years) - Part 21 "The Invasive Cybermen"

Serial 155: Battlefield

Doctor Who complete reviews: Revelation Of The Daleks

Doctor Who – The Two Doctors

The Skull of Sobek written by Marc Platt and directed by Barnaby Edwards

“It is too soon for a major battle.”

Doctor Who sketch - Comic Relief

The News of the World has been reporting that there will be a Doctor Who sketch screened as part of Red Nose Day on March 18. details aren't known but the report states that the six~minute story features "two Amy Ponds". In 1999, The Curse of the Fatal Death, penned by Steven Moffat, was screened as part of the telethon.

Source - Blogtor who

Dr who quotes Daleks Day of the Daleks

Gold Dalek: Do not dispute with the Daleks! Obey without question!
Dalek: No-one can succeed, who opposes the Daleks.
Gold Dalek: Whoever is operating the time machine is the enemy of the Daleks! All enemies of the Daleks must be destroyed! Exterminate them!
Daleks: Exterminate them! Exterminate them! Exterminate them!

Latest Doctor Who Adventures 206

The latest issue of Doctor Who Adventures 206 comes with.... a free Fez and four free posters!

Also in this issue:
Wow! Dress up like the Doctor with your free fez! There's a special treat for fans of cool headgear as well - a brilliant free fez. Stick it on and you'll look just like the Doctor!
Secrets of the Sontarans revealed! We've bagged an amazing interview with a Sontaran, where we ask him just why they have heads like baked spuds.
The Doctor answers your questions! The Doctor answers some truly monstrous questions, and reveals how you can get him to answer your queries about life, adventure and the Universe!
Winston Churchill battles the Daleks
Monster trouble for Brucie!
How to draw a Judoon

Alien Files The Vespiform takes flight!

Saturday 26 February 2011

Bits and bobs Big update Dr who, Podcasts, BBC and more!!

How to draw the perfect monster

February Podcast 004 - 23 February 2011

Doctor Who stars lend a hand to charity

TARDIS at Raglan Castle

People roundup

BBC accused of deceiving viewers after Doctor Who revealed to be staged


The Gallifrey Chronicles








Dr who quotes Daleks Evil of the Daleks


Dalek: Obey the Daleks! You are in our power!

Dalek: Who are you? ANSWER!

Dalek: There is only one form of life that matters: Dalek life. Obey your orders, Waterfield!

Torchwood: Week Six Filming

Monday saw the Torchwood team at another airport, this time the Ontario International Airport in Los Angeles (filming took place at Cardiff International Airport three weeks previously). Mekhi Phifer and Dichen Lachman were reported to be on location. Meanwhile, Jane Espenson clarified some differences between the UK and US film schedules.

07:25 AS Had to be at work at 4:12am in Ontario. I have my Valentine,
Dichen Lachman, with me tho so that makes things a little better.
11:52 BBC Big day at the Airport location today. We're Also beginning prep for
a 2nd Unit tomorrow = DOUBLE the #Torchwood fun. Happy Valentine's day
13:24 JE I think they shoot on Saturdays in the UK,
but have shorter working days. We def. have Sat/Sun off. Yay weekends!
19:00 ST Past the 2000 mark for followers. Welcome all - hope to keep u entertained
with stories of costume life on the set of torchwood :-) Peace
06:12 MP Could use a few more hours of sleep.
On the phone for 2hrs with moms last night...
If I just had half her strength!

Eve Myles returned to production in the US, which sounded to be another 'bloody' affair according to Mekhi Phifer. Scenes today were back on the Warner Bros lot. As previously reported, whilst exteriors may have been filmed in Wales, the respective interiors have been shot back in the States, something Jane Espenson reports as meeting the Welsh cast's approval!

10:55 ST Beautiful Eve back with us today. Even slimmer after all the action
and -10 weather. Glad to have her back on set.
13:20 BBC Going to have an exciting reunion with wonderfully effervescent Eve Myles
this afternoon. Lets see what she's up to...
15:54 MP Shooting Torchwood and I'm all bloodied up right now!
Rain machines, green screen, u name it, we got it!! Dope ass show!
16:25 JE The Welsh people haven't objected to the interiors,
so I think they must be good!
16:38 JE The current thiller / arc / connected-story feel of TW is working
really well and is best done in shorter runs.
18:24 BBC "I'm terrified of Twitter because computers hate me, but
(Cowgirl Voice) Howdy Partners I'm having a blast on set today" - Eve Myles


Shawna Trpic, via Twitpic

BBC Torchwood, via Yfrog

Kim Evey, via ImgMu
After a few days absence, a welcome return to "TW-Spy!" today as we get to see the inside of the costume truck (Captain Jack, Simpsons-style!), Russell T Davies with a (very!) large cheese, and a set visit by actress/producer Kim Evey.

Kai Owen also revealed that he'll be heading back to L.A. next week, which indicates that the return to the UK for filming wasn't to happen after all.

07:43 ST One of the walls in the costume truck :-)
that's our set crew!
11:50 KO Nate: Hey mate! What's happening?
Just having a glass of red and thinking of you!!
Nice to be home? I'm back with you next Wednesday.
Looking forward to have a burger with you!! Kai x
12:46 DL Mekhi Phifer has just been showing me his website
called 'thirdreel' on the torchwood set.
Check it out.
14:47 BBC Russell stands proud with the mystery cheese sent
to us from the UK. Who's the culprit???
15:42 KE Got to visit this set today thanks to Shawna
15:51 Sarann: Are you doing exciting costume
related things on the Torchwood set today?
ST Always :-)
20:25 DE Just back from the Torchwood set, where I forced
John Barrowman and Eve Myles to look at pictures
of my dogs.

Alana Stone reveals plane activity, a vague comment which mean a interior set reproduction of an interior or even a real plane at the airport! No other clues forthcoming, unfortunately!
09:31 ST Eve Myles told Kim Evey that she is the voice of one of the
characters on the DragonAge II game. Small world
11:01 ST Forgot to wear my hearing aid today Driving my crew crazy. Huh?
11:36 AS I'm on a plane!
16:49 NG Kai: can't wait to see ya. Give the baba a kiss fer me.
00:16 DL LOVE Torchwood peeps. Having so much fun.


BBC Torchwood, via ImgMu
Another day on set, and more mysterious items that may or may not be what they seem! With conventions and holidays on the way nobody wanted another late night Friday, though Bill Pullman continued to keep everybody entertained as production completed for another week.

13:42 BBC It seems the line between salad dressing and
chocolate custard is little hazy today.
You only live once!
22:47 ST The rain makes me tired well that, prepping 3 episodes
while shooting two, cleaning house, feeding the kids..
Time for a meeting & chocolate
17:30 AS Is it really Friday?
18:44 ST Alana: should not be a fraterday I hope :-)
22:19 BBC We're coming to set, Shawna, Alana,
its dark and lonely over here.
22:25 AS BBC_Torchwood: yay!!! Can't wait for your visit!
Bill is being awesome as usual.

Speaking of Bill Pullman, his fan site published a photo of him with John Barrowman in their Jack/Oswald mode!

Friday brought an end to filming for the week, and an extended weekend was due with a holiday on Monday for Presidents Day, not to mention Jane Espenson and Doris Egan attending the GallifreyOne convention over the weekend too!

However, it wasn't a complete halt to proceedings:

01:20 BBC We're location scouting in a couple of hours!
That's right we work Saturday's in the US too!
(But let's be honest not a full days work)

Director of Photography Nate Goodman also commented on Torchwood so far ...

19:26 NG One week back from Wales. Saw some of Ep 1 cut together. Epic.

Not your mother's Torchwood...

Doctor who news page

Nicholas Courtney: The Returning Hero

December, 1974. A new Doctor. A new era. But the same old Brigadier with Tom Baker's debut as the Doctor in Robot giving little hint of the huge changes that lay ahead... Nicholas Courtney was back as the Brig and for the moment it was business as usual with the Doctor/Lethbridge-Stewart relationship seeming as strong as ever.

Indeed, Nicholas would later recall how quickly he and Tom Baker struck up a firm and what proved to be an enduring friendship. The two clearly worked well together and the scenes featuring both the Brigadier and the Doctor are amongst Robot's stand out moments. Although UNIT didn't feature in the rest of the Fourth Doctor's first season, Nicholas was back for Terror of the Zygons, a 4-part story that finished on 20 September, 1975. But following this, the Brigadier would be off our screens until 1983.

In his autobiography, Nicholas recalled that whilst filming Terror of the Zygons he suspected it would be the Brigadier's final appearance. Doctor Who was returning to its roots which meant fewer stories set on late twentieth century Earth and less opportunity for the Doctor to help out UNIT and the Brigadier. Nicholas took advantage of Lethbridge-Stewart's absence to return to the theatre. Throughout the 70s he appeared in an impressive array of stage shows - with the legendary Celia Johnson in a West End production of The Dame of Sark, Kate O'Mara in the thriller Double Edge and opposite Bernard Bresslaw in the farce, There Goes the Bride. He played the lead in Michael Frayn's Donkey's Years and the narrator for a touring production of The Rocky Horror Show. He appeared in TV productions including a comedy by Galton and Simpson and somehow found time to feature in a number of radio dramas. The Brigadier may have hung up his peaked cap, but Nicholas Courtney remained a busy man!

Seven years after Terror of the Zygons, Nicholas took a call from Doctor Who producer John Nathan-Turner. Would he be interested in resurrecting the Brigadier? Nicholas was back as Lethbridge-Stewart in Mawdryn Undead, this time playing opposite Peter Davison, the Fifth Doctor. His return was universally applauded and showed that the public's affection for Nicholas Courtney's Brigadier had never dimmed. In 1983 the show marked its twentieth anniversary with the celebratory special, The Five Doctors. The Brigadier's absence would have been unthinkable and sure enough, Nicholas was involved, playing the majority of his scenes opposite Patrick Troughton, the Second Doctor.

Five years later Nicholas found himself in Brighton with John Nathan-Turner discussing the death of the Brigadier. The producer wanted to give the character a grand send-off in an Arthurian adventure that would eventually open the show's twenty-sixth season and although Nicholas agreed, it turned out that recording dates clashed with another project that was desperate for his involvement. Nicholas later recalled that his love of Doctor Who was one factor that swayed him, and so it was that he turned down the other job and returned to Doctor Who one last time.

The story became Battlefield and co-starred Jean Marsh who had featured in Nicholas' very first Doctor Who outing over twenty years earlier. Fortunately, the end of the adventure was re-written. Nathan-Turner realised that so much was happening at the story's climax that the Brigadier's death would not receive the focus it deserved. And so the old soldier lived to fight another day! On 27 September, 1988, Nicholas Courtney made his final appearance in Doctor Who. We left Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart in contented retirement, living in a huge house with his wife, Doris. In his final scene he is with the Doctor (by now played Sylvester McCoy) and having saved the world once again, the two old friends are content to simply spend a little time together.

It certainly felt like the natural end for the Brigadier, but for Nicholas Courtney and the character he made famous, there would be much more drama ahead!

Source BBC Dr who

Friday 25 February 2011

Nicholas Courtney: A Soldier in Time

After his first appearance in Doctor Who, Nicholas returned to the stage before playing Bill Page in the 1966 thriller, Watch the Birdies. Although this was his first lead in a television serial, he became a familiar face on the small screen throughout the 1960s, appearing in classic shows such as The Avengers, The Saint, Callan, The Champions and Randall and Hopkirk (Deceased) where he starred opposite Roger Delgado, soon to be famous as the Master.

Director Douglas Camfield brought Nicholas back to the world of Doctor Who in 1968 for the Second Doctor adventure, The Web of Fear. Originally down to play the short-lived Captain Knight, Nicholas ended up with a promotion when the actor due to appear as a certain colonel dropped out. And so on 17 February, 1968, Nicholas Courtney appeared as Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart for the first time. Shortly afterwards it was decided that the character should be elevated to Brigadier and become a regular as the head of UNIT's UK branch with the Doctor operating alongside the organisation. The premise was tested in the Cyberman story, The Invasion. It worked well and when Doctor Who returned in 1970 for the Third Doctor's debut season, Nicholas was onboard as a regular.

As Doctor Who's Lead Writer and Executive Producer, Steven Moffat, recently noted, 'Nicholas Courtney... as the Brigadier carved a very special place in the history of Doctor Who. Not just because he could be grave and funny at the same time, and wise and silly in the same moment, and not just because you could still love him when he was clearly in the wrong, or because he could point a gun at you and still somehow twinkle - but because out of all the people the Doctor has met, in all of space and time, Nicholas Courtney's Brigadier Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart was the only one who was ever his boss.'

The Brigadier was a military man with a heart, frustrated by the Doctor but fond of him. His scenes with the Time Lord were always a treat with Nicholas delivering beautifully nuanced performances, deftly conveying humour and gravitas as the moment demanded. He became an integral part of the Third Doctor's era and the show's central relationship for most of that period - the Doctor, his companion, the Brigadier and a handful of lower ranking soldiers - became affectionately known as the UNIT family.

For the Third Doctor's swansong, Planet of the Spiders, the Brigadier was scripted as entering the final scene as the Doctor was mid-regeneration, demanding to know what was going on. Appropriately enough it was Nicholas who suggested the version that was ultimately shot. In this, Lethbridge-Stewart is with Sarah Jane when the Doctor collapses and begins to change. As the Fourth Doctor appears before them, the Brigadier declares, 'Well, here we go again!'

And with those prophetic words, a new era was being ushered in, for Doctor Who and for Nicholas Courtney...

Source - BBC Dr who

Dr who quotes Daleks The Power of the Daleks

Daleks: We are better... different than human beings.
Dalek: With static power, the Daleks will be twice as... useful.

Dalek: Why do human beings kill human beings?

Dalek 1: Exterminate all humans!

Dalek 2: Exterminate all humans!

Dalek 1: Exterminate, annihilate, DESTROY!!!

All Daleks: Daleks conquer and destroy!!! Daleks conquer and destroy!!! Daleks conquer and destroy!!! Daleks conquer and destroy!!!

Dalek: We are not ready yet, to teach these human beings the law of the Daleks!

Kindas' telepathic powers - Doctor Who: Kinda - BBC

Karen Gillan Interview - London Fashion Week

Thursday 24 February 2011

Dr who series 6 + 7 - Some interesting speculation about Cybermen and stuff

A "Poster" on gallifrey base indicates that some elements of the plotline The Rebel Flesh and Gangers might not be fully resolved until the end of the series. Another "poster" suggests that the Matthew Graham penned two-parter contains a plot point that leads directly in to the mid-series finale Demons Run. The same "Poster" indicates that the Cybermen appear in Gangers and Demons Run (as well as Episode Thirteen) which could well be or at least be involved in the plot point that from one episode to the other.

Read more at Doctor who spoilers

BBC Worldwide and Three Rings join forces for first ever Doctor Who multiplayer online game

BBC Worldwide today announced a major new partnership with game developer Three Rings to create BBC Worldwide's first ever free-to-play multiplayer online game centered around the blockbuster drama television show, Doctor Who.

For the first time ever, players from around the world will be able to follow in the footsteps of the eccentric and brilliant Doctor by travelling through time and space, exploring new worlds and encountering many alien races, both friend and foe. Titled Doctor Who: Worlds in Time, the game allows players to enter the TARDIS and be set a challenge by the mysterious Time Lord to help him defend civilized culture against infamous Doctor Who enemies.

Robert Nashak, EVP Digital Entertainment at BBC Worldwide says, " Doctor Who: Worlds in Time will be a free-to-play multiplayer online game that invites players to save the universe by using their wits to solve time-bending puzzles and pulse-pounding challenges. Three Rings is the ideal team for this groundbreaking creative partnership. Not only are they visionaries in the online gaming space, they are lifelong Doctor Who fans with a passion for delivering the level of quality that our players will expect and deserve."

Daniel James, CEO Three Rings says, "Three Rings is delighted and honored to have the opportunity to create an online game based on Doctor Who. Our goal with 'Words in Time' is to capture the imaginative spirit and depth of the series, whilst being fun and easy to play for all ages."

Doctor Who: Worlds in Time is developed to be both highly engaging and fun, allowing players to socialize and foster genuine cooperation, building a global community where fans worldwide will now be able to experience first hand the exciting action and adventure synonymous with Doctor Who. Development is well underway and is expected to launch later this year.

Doctor Who is one of BBC Worldwide's flagship brands, and is increasingly popular around the globe. The program in its current incarnation has been sold to over 50 territories worldwide and debuted to a record audience on BBC America. The show has a proud award-winning history, with over 65 awards including BAFTA's for Best Drama and Best Writer, and it also holds the Guinness World Record for Most Successful Sci-Fi show of all time. On top of this, the brand now has over 55 licensees signed in the UK alone. In 2010, Doctor Who Live played to over 130,000 fans across the UK, and the Doctor Who Experience just opened to fans at London's Olympia. In 2010, the first ever Doctor Who gaming app, Doctor Who: Mazes of Time was released and featured as iPad 'Game of the Week' on launch as well as Doctor Who: The Adventure Games which is available for PC download.

Both BBC Worldwide and Three Rings will be available at the Game Developers Conference next week.

Source - BBC Press office

Doctor Who - The Time War - Series 3 Trailer

New banner up

Thanks to emma (Emzie) we have a new banner up 

Dr who quotes Daleks The Daleks' Master Plan

Dalek Supreme: No power in the universe can stop the Daleks!
Dalek Supreme: The time destructor is now completed! It only requires the core to be fitted! Mavic Chen, guardian of the Solar System, will address the meeting.
Dalek Supreme: You make your incompetence sound like an achievement!

Tiki Dalek at Gallifrey One Masquerade 2011

Midnight [DW] - We must not look at goblin men (By Sunnseanicarts)

Classical Doctor Who : The Eleventh Hour Tribute - William Tell Overture

This is done by thedrwhonerd visit his channel "Here"

Wednesday 23 February 2011

Gallifrey One: 2011 'Just a Minute' Moment - Pt. 01

Gallifrey One - Catch 22 The Live Footage

Doctor Who: Series 1-5 Ultimate Trailer

About The Doctor Who Experience

Dr who quotes Daleks Mission to the Unknown

Dalek Supreme: They cannot escape! At this moment they are being hunted down! They will be destroyed!

The Doctor Who Podcast vs The oodcast Quiz at Gallifrey One 2011

Nicholas Courtney 1929-2011 Tribute (By SparkyGerbil)

Dalek Karaoke at Gallifrey 22 (2011) (By DrWhoovie)

Visit DrWhoovie channel "Here"

Liberty Hall - In Memory of Nicholas Courtney - The Brig!

Radio Free Skaro #241 – Torch Songs

With the 2011 edition of Gallifrey One over half over, the Three Who Rule were still hard at work bringing you interviews with tremendously interesting people at the convention. Torchwood: Miracle Day is keenly discussed with writers Jane Espenson and Doris Egan, and the music of Doctor Who, specifically Murray Gold, was discussed with music scholars Emily Kausalik and Mikaela Schubert. Also joining us for the fun are our good friends Eric from Mostly Harmless Cutaway and Sean from Tardis Tavern. Enjoy, everyone! Only one more day to go…

More at Radiofreeskaro

Nicholas Courtney RIP - Five Rounds Rapid

On Tuesday evening (22/02/12011) Nicholas Courtney sadly passed away, he was born on 16th December 1929 as William Nicholas Stone Courtney he played Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart in Dr who for many years and was also in Sarah jane adventures. His first story was Web of Fear and his last was Battlefield as Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart.

Way before that he was also in The Daleks' Master Plan, where he played Space Security Agent Bret Vyon opposite William Hartnell as the Doctor in 1965 

Rip Nicholas Courtney he will be sadly missed by many 

Tardis Wiki

Tuesday 22 February 2011

Dr who series 6 start date

According to a few sources including a couple of posters the Sixth Series will begin over Easter weekend with Episode One airing on Saturday 23rd of April and Episode Two being screened the following day.

More at Doctor who spoilers

Bits and bobs Big update Dr who, podcasts, colin baker, Matt Smith, Dr who experience and more!!!

Radio Free Skaro #240 – Revenge of the Nerdist

Doctor Who: The Mind Robber Features in SFX's Worst Superhero Costumes

Colin Baker: "This is potty, so beam me up Scotty"

Miscellaneous Videos From Gallifey One Doctor Who

The Podcast Panel @ Gallifey One Doctor Who

Dr Who star Matt Smith chats with OK! TV

Doctor Who Experience Preview Merchandise

BroaDWcast launched


Episode 40: Gallifrey 22 Day 2 & 3. It's all a blur!

Episode 16 – The Empathy Games of Nigel Fairs

Doctor Who Figure Adventure The Ultimate Sanction Part 1

As You Walk Away - Ten/Rose

Doctor who ft. David Tennant as the 10th doctor

Gallifrey 21 - 2010 LAX Convention

Peter Davison on Saturday Superstore 1983 bbc 1 part 1

Free Download Doctor Who Hornets Nest 1 - The Stuff of Nightmares

IDW's Doctor Who Classics reaches Seventh Docor era

Doctor Who The Lodger Live Commentary with Clayton Hickman and Tracie Simpson Part 2

Doctor Who The Lodger Live Commentary with Clayton Hickman and Tracie Simpson Part 1

Staggering Stories Podcast #100: Insert Podcast Name Here


Andy Simpkins, Adam J Purcell, Fake Keith, Jean Riddler and the ‘Real’ Keith Dunn celebrate their 100th podcast, featuring numerous classic Staggering Stories segments, a multitude of wonderful messages, some general news, and a variety of other stuff, specifically:

More about it Here

Brand New Fan Fiction - Power of the Heart


A new fan fiction series is on the horizon, and it’s been a while coming. The series is being produced by me, Emma Lousie , and James Gray (Doctor who fansite), and Adam Holmes as part of our new project called The Doctor Who F.A.N. Project (“F.A.N.” being for fiction, art and novelisations) and is written by me and Emma.

The series goes by the title of Doctor Who: Power Of The Heart and features the Tenth Doctor and our original companion Maddy Ramos.


Maddy is a 19-year-old Spanish-American girl who lives in the sleepy town of Summervale set in the US state of New Jersey. She was left with just her father and three brothers at the age of 2 years when her mother disappeared, seemly from the face of the Earth, and left just a small, green-jewelled necklace for Maddy. It’s only until the day of her nineteenth birthday that she discovered exactly why –the day she bumps into a man in a brown suit who changes her life forever.

And, here’s the opening titles for the series, with a slight (ok pretty obvious) clue to the title of the first episode…

Doctor Who: Power Of The Heart is due to begin in March 2011 in a 12-part series of 4 stories.

Will you read Power Of The Heart? What do you think? Please comment.

doctor who experence 19/02/2011

Dr who quotes Daleks The Chase

Dalek: Our greatest enemies have left the planet Zeros. They are once again in time and space.
Dalek Supreme: They cannot escape! Our time machine will soon follow them! They will be exterminated! Exterminated! Exterminated!

Doctor Who Con 2011 (By BeyPenguin)

Doctor Who Con 2011 Opening Ceremony

Doctor Who Con 2011 Masquerade part 1

Doctor Who Con 2011 Masquerade Part 2

Doctor Who Con 2011 Masquerade Part 3

Visit BeyPenguin channel "Here"

Monday 21 February 2011

Doctor Who Experience! (Digital spy)

Falling From The Sky Trailer (Doctor Who Fanfiction) By xTashaKateWoodx

Docteur Who: ratings update (France)

Series Five of Doctor Who continued on France 4 on Saturday, featuring Le labyrinthe des Anges (1+2) and Les Vampires de Venise. The shows achieved 375,000 viewers, 2% of the total viewing audience at that time (8:35pm onwards). Whilst this is a drop in the total viewers from last week (453,000), the audience share has remained the same.

Source - Dr who newspage

Dr who quotes Daleks The Dalek Invasion of Earth

Dalek Supreme: Rebels of London! This is our last warning! Our final offer! Show yourselves in the open streets. You will be fed and watered, but work is needed from you. The Daleks offer you life! Rebel against us and the Daleks shall destroy London completely. Rebels of London, come out of your hiding places, the Daleks offer you life!
Supreme Dalek: Supreme command has ordered London to be destroyed by Fire-Bombs.
Dalek: Do you intend to stay here in the city?
Supreme Dalek: No. Order the saucer to take me to the mine workings in central England.

Doctor Who Action Figure Collectors Set: Resurrection Of The Daleks (released today)

The TARDIS, with the Fifth Doctor, Tegan and Turlough on board, becomes caught in a time corridor. Once freed it materialises in London in 1984 near the exit of the corridor. Upon investigating warehouses nearby, the travellers stumble upon a trap set for them by the Daleks!

See it At Forbidden planet

Who's Who for Time Lord Matt Smith

It's a real who's Who ... TV Time Lord Matt Smith came face to face with a life-size replica of himself.

The Doctor Who actor met his double as he attended the launch of a new exhibition dedicated to the BBC1 series.

As well as confronting himself, the actor encountered dozens of past foes at Olympia 2 in Kensington, west London.

They included the many incarnations of Daleks and Cybermen from throughout the ages. More modern foes include Judoon and Weeping Angels, while Ice Warriors from Patrick Troughton's era as The Doctor and the Giant Robot from the Tom Baker era also feature.

Matt, 28, had a cast made of his entire face, to allow model makers to put together his double over a two month period, which stands guard outside the Tardis.

The star straightened his model's bow tie as they met. Smith said: "I think he's sort of a bit musclier than I am!

"It's a surreal experience to have an image of yourself in 3D. So weird but one of the wonderful privileges of this particular job - you get rather mad experiences."


Matt Smith teases 'Who' Season 6 and The Silence (Digital spy)

A Christmas Carol OST CD

The soundtrack, which features music from the 2010 Doctor Who Christmas Special, will also feature Katherine Jenkins on a track titled 'Abigail's Song'.

The music is composed by Murray Gold and performed by the excellent BBC National Orchestra of Wales and Crouch End Festival Chorus.


Sunday 20 February 2011

Dr who Experience - reporter calls Matt smith Matt Baker

Since when was Matt smith called "Matt Baker" 

You'll have to watch it Here embedding has been disabled "Experience Dr Who" go to about 21 to 22 seconds 

Last weeks Reviews

The Hollows of Time written by Christopher H. Bidmead and directed by John Ainsworth

Mission to Magnus written by Philip Martin and directed by Lisa Bowerman

DVD Review: Doctor Who TV Movie Special Edition

089 – Death of a Spy (The Myth Makers Part 3)

The Doctor’s Companion Ep. 39 – Alternate Endings

Doctor Who complete reviews: The Mark Of The Rani

090 – Horse of Destruction (The Myth Makers Part 4)

Paradise Five written by Andy Lane (from a story by PJ Hammond) and directed by Barnaby Edwards

Doctor Who: The Ark (1966)

091 – The Nightmare Begins (The Daleks’ Master Plan Part 1)

“I’m a porter at the Cottage Hospital, Ashbridge. I…I understand you pay for stories.”

Doctor Who complete reviews: The Two Doctors

Doctor Who Audio Round-up: February 2011

REVIEW: "A Christmas Carol" soundtrack by Murray Gold

Doctor Who Experience – Review

Doctor Who Experience – Review/Pictures

093 – Devil’s Planet (The Daleks’ Master Plan Part 3)

Jo Wiley Talks to Matt Smith at Doctor Who Experience

Dr who quotes Daleks The Daleks

Dalek 1: You will move ahead of us and follow my directions. This way. Immediately.
Dalek 1: I said immediately!
Dalek 1: Fire!
Dalek 2: STOP!
Dalek 1: Your legs are paralyzed. You will recover shortly unless you force us to use our weapons again, in that case the condition will be permanent. You two, help him.
Ian: My legs, my legs, I can't feel my legs!
Dalek: They are to be made to believe that they are in a safe environment.
Dalek 2: I have just come from the prisoners. The old man is dying.
Dalek 3: Then he must die. There is no help we can give him. How are the others?
Dalek 1: The woman is sleeping very heavily, the young man fights against it.
Dalek 3: What of the girl? Has she reached the jungle?
Dalek 2: Yes, the rangoscopes tracked her that far, now they have lost her.
Ian: Not much room for my legs, but try the top. 
The Doctor: How is it?
Ian / Dalek:It's very cramped indeed.
The Doctor: Can't you sound more like a Dalek?
Barbara: Yes in a monotone, you have one.
Ian / Dalek: Do you mean like this?
Dalek: STOP!
Dalek / Ian: The council wishes to question the prisoners.
Dalek: I have not been informed. Wait.
Susan: NO! 
Dalek / Ian: Hold her.
Dalek: I have got her. Now hold still
Dalek / Ian: Help me get her inside
Dalek: The only interest we have in the Thals is their total extermination!

Doctor Who Action Figure Set: The Sontaran Experiment Set (Released today)

The Fourth Doctor, Sarah Jane Smith and Harry Sullivan arrive on a desolate and apparently deserted Earth to discover that a group of shipwrecked astronauts from a human colony, GalSec, have been lured there by a fake distress call!

See it at - Forbidden planet

Saturday 19 February 2011

Bits and bobs Big update Dr who,podcasts,audios, Dr who experience and more!!

Doctor Who: The Complete Guide

New Who & Torchwood audio

3 Doctor Who Blends


Irish actor TP McKenna dies at the age of 81

Ep 5 - Smith and the Bomb (Torchwood Spoof) p2

Doctor Who giveaway: The Hounds of Artemis and The Rings of Steel

The Ood Cast S03E10a – Gallifrey or Bust: Day One

2MTL 191: Return to Gallifrey One (Time Dilation)

Doctor Who: Now fans can enjoy the Time Lord in his intergalatic battle with evil

I Flew In The TARDIS!!!

Geek Music: 15 Songs about Doctor Who

The Guardian & The Observer week of Doctor Who giveaways

Doctor Who Magazine and Doctor Who Adventures Sales Statistics

Docteur Who: la prochaine fois sur France 4

The Dandy and the ...

Gallifrey 2011 Update

Radio Free Skaro #239 – Radio Free Skaro in 3-D

2MTL 192: Looking Through a Time Lord's Eyes in L.A.

Doctor Who Experience: Gallery Number Three... part 4

Source - BBC Dr who

Some fanfics from

As you may or may not know by now I'm doing some fanfic with (james from doctor who fansite) and (Eternal Dalek) so i have decided to link some fanfics from every week or so and if you have a story that you have read on please send me the link either on the chat or by email (

Here are some links to fanfics

To the Rescue - Features 6th doctor and peri - thanks to eternal dalek for the link :D

Ten_moments_with_Romana - Features 8th doctor and Romana

i've been reading this one for a while and the writers other stories 

Four,five,six - Features 10th doctor , rose, jack and more

Now and again i like to read some Rose/ten fanfics

The_Love_Between_the_Two - Features ten and rose

Hostage - Features ten and rose

Well thats enough for now remember soon we might be releasing some info on our very first series of fanfic :D so keep a look out!

Dr who quotes the Black Guardian Terminus

Black Guardian: You have work to do.

Turlough: What does this do?

Black Guardian: You are touching the heart of the TARDIS. Rip it free!

Black Guardian: This is your last chance boy! KILL THE DOCTOR

Thursday 17 February 2011

The Doctor Who Experience: Making It Happen part 3

Take two years, over 150,000 construction hours, installation experts, animators, writers, designers, restoration specialists and actors. Add an army of monsters, some spectacular sets, cinema screens and smoke, then blend well and what do you get? The Doctor Who Experience. Well, not quite. Because it's clear there's another ingredient that's not so easily definable.

Paula Al-Lach, Head of Exhibitions and Events at BBC Worldwide, the organisation responsible for the Experience, reflected, 'Everything about this project has been a challenge, but a really enjoyable challenge.' She comes close to defining that extra ingredient when she adds, 'What has been so brilliant about it is that everybody involved just loves Doctor Who.'

Read more at BBC Dr who 

Doctor Who Masterpiece Collection Maxi Bust: Weeping Angel

Source - forbidden planet

Doctor Who Masterpiece Collection Maxi Bust: 3rd Doctor

Forbidden planet are proud to announce the next item in there limited edition, high-quality Doctor Who Masterpiece Collection!

Source - forbidden planet

Doctor Who - The Stolen Earth Parody Trailer Too Many Cameos

WOTAN's mind control - Doctor Who: The War Machines - BBC

Also watch on

Dr who quotes The black guardian Logopolis


Wednesday 16 February 2011

Step Inside the TARDIS... Dr who experience part 2

In the very first episode of Doctor Who, two school teachers forced their way into a big blue box and found themselves in a machine that could take them anywhere in the universe, past, present or future. It marked the start of an incredible series of exploits. So it's fitting that almost fifty years later, the TARDIS doors are once again being flung open but this time it's visitors to the Doctor Who Experience that get the chance to journey through time and space, taking part in their own adventure...

The latest version of the TARDIS has been pain-stakingly recreated at the Doctor Who Experience. Many of the artefacts that were used on the original set were unique one-offs and so a dedicated team were tasked with building them from new, using photographs, videos, original designs and a dizzying level of detail. Did they get it right? Take a look at the gallery above and decide for yourself!

The TARDIS isn't just some static set, though. There's noise, lights and motion so it's as though the time machine is crashing through the cosmos. And like every good trip in what the Doctor called his 'frankly magnificent time ship', it's just the start of the story!

Aside from the Eleventh Doctor's TARDIS you can check out the versions piloted by the Fifth, Ninth and Tenth Doctors. Take a look at our gallery to remind yourself of previous console rooms... which was your favourite?

Source - BBC Dr who

Happy birthday Christopher Eccleston

Yesterday (16th febuary 2011) was Christopher Ecclestons birthday so we wish him a Happy birthday from us 

Dr who more casting updates - series 6

Christina Chong’s online CV states that she will be appearing as Lorna Bucket is an episode directed by Peter Hoar. Once again this is very probably casting for Demons Run.

Source - Dr who spoilers

Lived too Long | Ten's Death

Dr who quotes The black guardian The Armageddon Factor

Black Guardian: I expected no less of you! You whimpering wraith! But your death is already compassed in my designs. For now, the Doctor shall release the key to ME, and chaos shall break upon the universe!

Tuesday 15 February 2011

Doctor Who Experience, Part One

By now you've probably heard about the Doctor Who Experience but if you can't make it to London to enjoy it first-hand, don't panic! Over the week ahead we're bringing some of the Doctor Who Experience to you, with exclusive galleries, videos and the inside story of the whole spectacular.

The Doctor Who Experience has been described as 'the ultimate Doctor Who Adventure' and is part immersive experience, part interactive exhibition. Specially written scenes featuring Matt Smith as the Doctor, plus some fiendishly inventive sets, incredible FX and surprises conspire to make the Experience more than just an exhibition.

The premise of the immersive adventure is to take visitors through their very own journey across time and space, helping the Doctor, dealing with Daleks and whirling through a breath-taking world that's normally reserved for the Time Lord's companions...

But aside from the excitement of that story (and we can't give too much away!) there's a TARDIS-load of sets, monsters and mementoes from the show itself. The scope is ambitious and covers everything from the first ever episode back in 1963 to the latest series. We'll be bringing you an insight into much of this journey, from visiting Starship UK to trips though the various versions of the Doctor's time machine, giving you a glimpse into what makes the Experience such a full-on phenomenon!

The Doctor Who Experience opens in London on Sunday 20th Feb. We'll be there for the official opening, sharing the low-down from the launch... always assuming we make it past the Angels, Zygons and other old enemies!

Source BBC Dr who

Gravity gone crazy earth rebound

Bits and bobs Big update Dr who Experience, Colin Baker, podcasts, David tennant and more!!

Book Signing at the Dr Who Experience

Colin Baker: "I watch the people who watch CCTV"


Free Doctor Who CD The Hounds of Artemis

Doctor Who Interview with the Doctor's French Voice Actor

David Tennant to feature on Royal Mail stamp

Official Doctor Who Book Signing

Doctor Who: Podshock - Episode 238 - A Conversation with Daphne Ashbrook on the 1996 Movie DVD Release in NA

Episode Two & Details of Our Third Selection

First Look at Bif Bang Pow!'s Retro Doctor Who Figures

Doctor Who: Bumper Activity Book

Interview with Clayton Hickman

Radio Free Skaro #237 – Road to Gallifrey

Gallifrey IV Podcast - 13 February 2011

Episode 15 – Series 23, Part I, The Mysterious Planets of Dominic Glynn – Part II – Dominic Glynn Interview

Pharos Project 38: Kate O'Mara's Throbbing Gland

Dr who - series 6 more casting news

According to veteran stage actor Geoffrey Burton’s online CV he will be playing Nasa Man in an unknown episode, although given the character name we’re assuming that he appears in the American set opening two-parter

Frances Barber’s online CV has been updated with news that she will be appearing as Kovarian in an episode directed by Peter Hoar, presumably the mid-series cliff-hanger episode Demons Run.

Source - Doctor who spoilers