Saturday 14 August 2010

Dr who fourth doctor quotes The Armageddon Factor

The Marshal: I shall crush it like a rotten egg.
The Shadow: I too serve a Guardian. A Guardian equal and opposite in power to the one who sent you. The Black Guardian, he who walks in darkness! And you are in the Valley of the Shadow!
The Shadow: Once the Key is ours we shall set not two small planets, but the two halves of the entire cosmos at war, and their mutual destruction will be music in our ears! Unlike others, it is not power we seek, but destruction that we glory in.
The Doctor: I've stopped the universe. [Beat] Still, they'll never notice. Just imagine, somewhere someone's just slipped on a banana skin and he'll be wondering forever when he's going to hit the ground.
K-9: It is stimulating to communicate for once with something other than a limited and unpredictable organic intelligence.
K-9: Hostiles repulsed. Most satisfactory.
K-9: Such actions warrant immediate death, which I shall execute.
K-9: Essential restored to vertical position. Alternative is your obliteration.
Romana I: Well, if one has godlike powers, one ought to be able to use them, oughtn't one?
The Doctor: What's the matter?
Romana I: Look! Radiation levels you wouldn't believe!
The Doctor: Good heavens! You could fry eggs in the street.
Romana I: But that means...
The Doctor: What?
Romana I: There must be a huge nuclear war going on down there!
The Doctor: None at all, no.
Romana I: Well what else could it be?
The Doctor: I don't know. Probably someone throwing a huge breakfast party. Think po- Why do you always assume the worst?
Romana I: Because it usually happens.
The Doctor: Empirical poppycock! Where's your joy in life? Where's your optimism?
Romana I: It opted out.
K-9: Optimism: Belief that everything will work out well. Irrational, bordering on insane.
The Doctor: Oh, do shut up, K9. Listen, Romana, Whenever you go into a new situation, you must always believe the best until you find out exactly what the situation's all about. Then, believe the worst.
Romana I: Ah, but what happens if it turns out not to be the worst after all?
The Doctor: Don't be ridiculous. It always is.
Marshal: Now that you are here, you are the one!
The Doctor: I am. Am I?
Marshal: The one who will lead us to victory!
The Doctor: Oh! Good-o! As long as there's no personal risk involved, of course.
Marshal: To halt the hated Zeons in their tracks, wipe their presence from our skies, and free this land, this world, this Atrios...
The Doctor: This Blessed Plot!
Marshal: Good! Good! ...this blessed plot from the terrors of war and the evils of pestilence!
The Doctor: Yes! ... No, I prefer the original.
The Shadow: I know you. And I know there is a want of patience in your nature.
The Doctor: Yes, fools rush in...
The Shadow: Exactly.
K-9: The war is over. The bombardment is over. The next step is obliteration.
The Doctor: For whom?
K-9: Everything.
Romana I: What have you done?
The Doctor: I don't know. K9, what have I done?
K-9: You have triggered primary alert function.
The Doctor: Blast!
K-9: Affirmative.
Romana I: I think Merak needs some medical attention.
The Doctor: Yes. Look, Astra, why don't you and Merak go back to Atrios via the transmat? He'll show you the way.
Princess Astra: I'd feel safer with you.
The Doctor: Well, I dare say, but we've got a few complicated things to do and Merak does need attention. I think the thing you should do is go back and show your people that you're free.
Merak: He's right, Astra.
The Doctor: Of course I'm right! Off you go, now. Hope to see you soon.
Atrian technician: There is only one ship left, Sir. Your escape- [Beat] Your command module, sir.
Princess Astra: I'd stay and watch you die, but I haven't the time.
The Doctor: Well, here we are. We've tracked him to his lair.
Romana I: Yes, we've got him exactly where he wants us.
Drax: Blimey, it's a dog. Who's a little tin dog then?
K-9: Your silliness is noted.
"White" Guardian: Doctor? You have fully activated all the TARDIS's defences!
The Doctor: You can't be too careful, can you? And it would be a terrible tragedy for the universe if it turned out I was colour blind...
"White" Guardian: Doctor, release the key to me immediately!
The Doctor: ...unable to tell the difference between the White Guardian and the Black Guardian.
Romana: Doctor, what do you mean?
The Doctor: Look!
The Doctor: Don't you see? The White Guardian would never have had such a callous disregard for human life.
Romana: Of course! Astra, the sixth segment; he would have ordered it to disperse immediately.
The Black Guardian: Doctor, you shall die for this!
The Doctor: Ah, yes, but the Key to Time is still in my possession. Rage all you like!
The Black Guardian: I shall destroy you for this! I shall disperse every particle of your being to the furthest reaches of eternity!
The Doctor: Oh, well, I'd love to stay and see you try, but you know how it is. Places to go, people to see.
Romana: So where are we going?
The Doctor: Going? I don't know.
Romana: You have absolutely no sense of responsibility whatsoever!
The Doctor: What?
Romana: You're capricious, arrogant, self-opinionated, irrational, and you don't even know where we're going!
The Doctor: Exactly!

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