Wednesday 30 June 2010

Dr who second doctor quotes The Faceless Ones

Second Doctor b.jpg

Jamie - Ooh, it's a flyin' beastie!

tv choice awards

Actor Matt Smith will do battle with Torchwood star John Barrowman in the best actor category at this year's TV Choice awards.

go here to read more

Tuesday 29 June 2010

Dr who second doctor quotes The Moonbase

Second Doctor b.jpg

The Doctor - There are some corners of the universe which have bred the most terrible things. Things that act against everything we believe in. They must be fought!

Jamie - Oh no Phantom Piper! Please don't take me

What can we exspect from series 4 sja

“One of them is a big sci-fi romp, I suppose you could say, and another one is a big sci-fi romp, and the other one is completely different to anything you’ve ever seen on Sarah Jane
“The story, the characters, the emotional element of it is so different, and it’s going to be brilliant. I would say that, wouldn’t I? I’ve written it! That’s about all I’m going to say – it’s going to be very different and it’s going to be very exciting.”

to read more go here

Torchwood children of the earth 1 year later

Well do you all remember children of the earth parts 1 to 5 well it's a year today that children of the earth day 1 started.
can you believe its a year since the torchwood hub blew up with the bomb in jack
a year since his body grew back (and we saw him naked)
a year since Gwen announced she was pregnant
a year since lanto died
a year since jack left earth
So can you remember what you were doing a year today.

I can

I remember being in school and waiting all day everyday for children of the earth to come on i was also in year ten at the time.

So here I am 1 year later finished school waiting now to go to college

everything has happened in the last year
the death of ten
a new doctor a new series a new tardis a new companion
the new series has finished already

well torchwood will be back next year and I cant wait.

Monday 28 June 2010

Dr who big bang thoughts Sarah Hughes

Thanks to Sarah Hughes who up to now is the only one who has replied to my email i sent everyone

here are her thoughts on the big bang

'ì thought it was like amazing but how he came back from the explosion was a tad bit predictable like i turned around and said to my ma that amy thinks of him and he comes back but the way he made her think about him was good. all in all i thought it was really well done'

Dr who second doctor quotes The Underwater Menace

Second Doctor b.jpg

Zaroff - Nothing in the world can stop me now!

Dr who serie 5 viewing figures

The Eleventh Hour 10.8 million
The Beast Below 8.42 million
Victory of The Daleks 8.2 million.
Time Of Angels 8.2 million
Flesh and Stone 8.5 million
Vampires of Venice 7.68 million
Amy's Choice 7.55 million

The Hungry Earth 6.49 million

Cold Blood 7.49 million

Vincent and The Doctor 6.76 million

The Lodger 6.44 million

The Pandorica Opens (Overnights estimated 2 million increase) 5.8 million

The Big Bang (Overnights estimated 2 million increase) 5.1 million

Sunday 27 June 2010

Dr who second doctor quotes The Highlanders

Second Doctor b.jpg

The Doctor - Do you suffer from headaches?

Man - No.

The Doctor - Do you suffer from headaches?

Dr who the big bang notes

I tried doing these last night but blogger froze on me

1. It starts of with the trailer from last week

2. 1894 years later

3. We see Amelia as a little girl (the scene from the eleventh hour but a little bit different)

4. Amelia and her aunt go the museum and Amelia finds the pandorica she sticks around until night time and the pandorica opens to reveal Amy

5. titles

6. 1894 years previously

7. we go to the clip bit

8. the doctor shows up and tells Rory to put Amy in the pandorica and the sonic screwdriver in Amy's pocket

9. Rory opens the pandorica and lets the doctor out

10. They see that all the monster have turn to stone or rather deleted

11. The doctor sees that Amy is dead

12. Rory punches the doctor

13. they put Amy in the pandorica and the doctor puts a messages in Amy's head

14. the doctor finds the vortex manipulator

15. the doctor goes to find Amy in the future while Rory stays behind and protects the pandorica

16. back with Amy and Amelia a dalek shows up and tries to exterminate then but the doctor shows up and Rory shows up and shoots the dalek

17. Rory and Amy kiss

18. the doctor gets the sonic out of Amy's pocket

19. the doctors future version of himself shows up and falls down the stairs burnt

20. they go to the roof

21. the doctor saves river

22. the doctor gets exterminated by the dalek

23. Rory and Amy go to find the doctors body from 12 minutes ago

24. they find the doctor in the pandorica

25. the doctor and Amy talk

26. Amy doesn't remember how she lost her mum and dad

27. the doctor flies the pandorica into the heart of the explosion

28. the doctor goes back on his time line

29. he lands in the tardis and sees himself and Amy

30. the doctor goes back to the night Amelia waited and finds her outside he then puts her in bed

31. something old something new something borrowed

32. the doctor goes into the crack in Amy's wall

33. Amelia wakes up

34. Amy wakes up on her wedding day and finds her mum and dad

35. Rory's human again

36. Amy's wedding happens

37. Amy sees river outside the window

38. Amy cries

39. river left the blue book but its blank

40. Amy starts remembering

51. theirs someone missing someone important

52. the raggedy doctor

53. the tardis comes

54. the doctor meets Amy's dad

55. the doctor dances

56. the doctor goes to the tardis and river is their

57. river tells the doctor the next time they meet is when everything changers

58. the doctor goes in the tardis Amy and Rory follow

59. the tardis phone rings

60. Amy waves goodbye to everyone or rather shouts

61. they go off to their next adventure

62. no trailer

Saturday 26 June 2010

Dr who series 6 hints

Dr who reviews just 1

go here to read a review from the telegraph for the big bang

i will have other reviews up when their on :)

Dr who watch the big bang!

if your in the uk and hasn't seen the final yet then go here to iplayer

as ever i will have reviews up very soon :)

Doctor Who Karen on her reaction to The Big Bang

Doctor Who Karen on Rivers and Rorys return

Dr who message to fans

Dr who big bang starting

Well an alliance took over the universe last week and they have reined supreme for a week now its time for the final to come will the universe be saved or will it fall forever and us who fans wont have any Dr who episodes (well at least we know we do get episode for Christmas and next year) so who will be chanting dalek,cybermen,slitheen,sycorax,sylurians,sontarans and many more by the end of the episode or will you be chanting doctor.

so here's hoping for survival at the end of the episode :)

Dr who blood of the cybermen download

if you don't live in the UK you can download it by following these steps here
if you live in the UK you can download it from the dr who site here

Dr who second doctor quotes The Power of the Daleks

Second Doctor b.jpg

The Doctor - Slower! SLOWER! Concentrate on one thing! ONE THING!

Ben - The Doctor always wore this. If you are him it should fit... That settles it!

The Doctor: I'd like to see a butterfly fit into a chrysalis case after it spreads its wings.

Polly - Then you did change."

The Doctor - Life depends on change, and renewal.

Ben - Oh, that's it, you've been renewed, have you?"

The Doctor - Renewed? Have I? That's it, I've been renewed. It's part of the TARDIS. Without it I couldn't survive.

Dalek - With static power, the Daleks will be twice as... useful.

The Doctor - It can do many things, Lesterson. But the thing it does most efficiently is exterminate human beings.

Dr who blood of the cybermen out

go here to download load blood of the cybermen if your in the uk

Digital spy do a review of blood of the cybermen

Doctor Who: The Adventure Games: Blood of the Cybermen
''It turns out that people rather like Doctor Who. The first episode in the downloadable episodic series City Of The Daleks managed an incredible half a million downloads in just under two weeks. Regardless of its freebie status, that's some achievement for any episodic project, and not the type to rest on their laurels the folks at Sumo Digital and the BBC have been busy preparing the second episode - focused around Cybermen and set within snowy Arctic wastes - for release this weekend.''

go here to read more

Dr who big bang trialer (fan made)

OK seen as the BBC hasn't released a trailer for tonight here is a fan made trailer

Seduff channel here

remember tonight 6pm on BBC 1

Dr who Big bang day

Well the day is here the last episode of series 5 and its a good one well I cant wait for tonight hasn't this series gone so quick well that's another series over with now its the long wait for Christmas (well at least its not a year).The Doctor is gone, the TARDIS has been destroyed, and the universe is collapsing. The only hope for all reality is a little girl who still believes in stars, as this series of Doctor Who concludes with an episode written by Steven Moffat.
go here to read how many tardises are their for tonight's final
go here to read about series 5 story arcs
go here for matt smith on this morning
go here to read about (my) theory and speculation

go here steven moffat talks who final
go here big bang 7 things
go here big bang introduction
go here big bang clip
go here here here here here for big bang images
Don't forget BBC1 at 6.05

Friday 25 June 2010

Matt Smith - This Morning interview

Dr who big bang theories and speculation

In the eleventh hour when we see Amy's house from the outside it has 2 floors but when on the second floor (the big where the doctor is handcuffed to the radiator) we can see another stair case now that's really very odd doesn't the doctor see this or is it an error so I'm thinking is Amy a time lord/lady well she could be and she could not be (you never know as time lords like the master have survived the time war) (in which the master ran away) so is Amy a time lady or not and her house a tardis ( some how ) and could she be dead could she regenerate we may never know as she might not be a time lord

So now I'm wondering how is the doctor going to get out the pandorica well earlier in the pandorica opens episode we saw river go the 50 first century and she got a vortex manipulator I think she gave it to the doctor (we also see the doctor with it when he is investigating the pandorica when lying down) so some how he uses that.

But I have heard that Rory comes to save the doctor but why leave Amy (maybe because she is a time lady and has regenerated (also I've heard that Amy is put in the pandorica and Rory is left guarding it for thousands of years while the doctor goes off to do something
so that will make Rory older than the doctor
I also think that the time lords could come back in this episode
why do I think this well
what the monsters haven't realised is that if you take the doctor out of time (tardis blowing up also put in pandorica) the universe starts to explode (at the end of the pandorica opens we see the universe dying) but this is happening in Roman times (sorry forgot what year it is) so will the doctor still run away from gallifrey with Susan (first doctor an unearthly child) this happens in 1963 but if this didn't happen the doctor wouldn't of met the Daleks ( :) ) right? So the time war would never of happened

but what they don't know is river is flying the tardis (she gets taught by the doctor or someone else in the doctors personal time line) so if the time lords do come back maybe she gets taught by another time lord to fly the tardis. When the doctor is put in the pandorica river lands the tardis somewhere but when she opens the tardis doors there is a wall blocking her view I think this is because she has landed in the future and the universe ended in the past so the future could be blocking the past so no one could go to the past (also I think now that the tardis is stuck in the future on a certain date)

also if the doctor never leaves gallifrey doesn't that make the doctors memories of every alien or friend he has ever met fade.

Also I think that little Amelia saves the universe form dying as she still believe in stars (also in spoilers pictures seen in a museum with the pandorica opening so could she meet her future self and the doctor comes when the time is right for the pandorica to open for Amy to come out.
So there are loads of things to be answered
like how is the cracks made
also I'm not saying the time lords could be in it but there are rumours of omega and time ladies as in a cast list (Joanna Paige)
all will be revealed tomorrow night
please comment

The Ring of Steel & The Runaway Train - Covers & Info

The Ring of Steel - written by Stephen Cole; read by Aurther Darvill
When the TARDIS lands on Orkney in the near future, the Doctor and Amy arrive to find a large demonstration in progress over the construction of new electricity pylons. The Doctor tries to break things up peacefully - but suddenly the road splits open without warning and swallows police, security guards and protestors alike

The Runaway Train - written by Oli Smith; read by Matt Smith
Arriving on Earth in the midst of the American Civil War, the Doctor and Amy must get a posse together to help them retrieve an alien artefact that has fallen into the clutches of the Confederate Army.

go here to read more

Dr who rumours series 6

Their are rumours going round the Internet that Matt Smith has gone for a new costume filling, Also there is rumours to be a change in the titles.

Dr who DWM sarah jane adventures titals

The Doctor Who Magazine confirmed the S4 titles as follows -

episodes 1 and 2: The Nightmare Man
Written by Joseph Lidster
Directed by Joss Agnew
Guest starring Julian Bleach as the Nightmare Man

3 and 4
: The Vault of Secrets
Written by Phil Ford
Directed by Joss Agnew
Guest starring Cheryl Campbell as Ocean Waters

5 and 6: Death of the Doctor
Written by Russell T Davies
Directed by Ashley Way
Guest starring Matt Smith as the Doctor and Katy Manning as former Third Doctor companion Jo Grant

7 and 8: The Empty Planet
Written by Gareth Roberts
Directed by Ashley Way
Guest starring Joe Mason as Gavin

9 and 10: Lost in Time
Written by Rupert Laight
Directed by Joss Agnew
Guest starring Cyril Nri as the Mysterious Shopkeeper.

11 and 12: Goodbye, Sarah Jane Smith
Written by Gareth Roberts and Clayton Hickman
Directed by Joss Agnew
Guest starring Julie Graham as Ruby White.

Dr who first doctor quotes The Five Doctors

First Doctor colour.jpg

The First Doctor - One day I shall come back. Yes, I shall come back. Until then, there must be no regrets, no tears, no anxieties. Just go forward in all your beliefs and prove to me that I am not mistaken in mine.

The First Doctor - I am the Doctor! The original, you might say!

The First Doctor - I suddenly realised what the old proverb meant: "To lose is to win, and he who wins shall lose." It was all part of Rassilon's trap to find out who wanted immortality and put him out of the way. He knew very well that immortality was a curse. Not a blessing.

The First Doctor - You did quite well. Quite well. Hm. It's reassuring to know that my future is in safe hands.

Thank you

Yes i'ts my first thank you on this site I've just noticed how many hits the site has got

thank you for 1014 hits

this week the site has had over 600 hits so thank you

heres hopping for another 1000 hits :)

Dr who the big bang ERRR universe ended right?

So 7 days ago the universe ended and i have been floating in a time bubble thinking how i am going to watch this weeks Dr who well at least the earth is still intact right?? well I'm UN sure as the universe ended in roman times and has put a wall between the past and future (I'm talking of the wall when river opened the tardis doors) so i as type this I'm in mid air in space waiting for someone to save the universe (who fans unite with me please) or probably siting down in a chair in a room of my house well i hope the doctor gets out of the pandorica and Amy's not dead because who's gonna save the universe from well EHH the ending (not unless the doctor summons his past selves by making contact but would that work (well I'm guessing it would be something shocking that save all humanity and the universe) we know that the universe doesn't die because river is in episodes 4 and 5 and well if someone decides that the universe should reset then go ahead BUT when re set it could be any time as always I'm excited for the final (well at least we know were alive at the end of the universe) (episode utopia series 3 episode 11) well who cant wait please comment

Thursday 24 June 2010

Dr who site Step Back in Time: When Autons Attack!

Steven Moffat interview

Steven Moffat talks 'Who' finale

well it just two days to go till the final and its been an exciting week so far and we all cant wait for Saturday so moffat talks Dr who with digital spy

When you came to plan out this series, did you have the finale in your head from the start?
"I had aspects of it. I had certain things I needed that I need to get to, and I had an overarching idea that would, and I suppose it's a better conversation to have after next week's episode. There are certain things that you'll see that have been there from the beginning. There's been quite a careful planning of things, which is pretty obvious from episode 12, that everything was set up and paid off there. There's more coming next week, in the event that anyone comes out of the Pandorica. So yeah, you have to leave yourself some space to improvise, otherwise it gets boring, otherwise you get bored with your own script, and quite a lot of episode 13, which is a mad episode, is brand new. But there are certain key points where I know I wanted 'this'. I'm thinking of the next finale right now so I can plot the rest of the series. I know what the big reveals are and the big hopefully jaw dropping moments are going to be.

go here to read more

meet who monsters

Well as Saturday lurches ever closer and series 5 almost over the BBC Dr who site has some very interesting info for Dr who fans.

their is a chance to meet the monster in Cardiff the fun start at 10.00 in the Hayes in Cardiff city centre it is hosted by Jason Mohammad, the BBC newsreader and presenter who's also known to Doctor Who fans for his dramatic appearances in The Christmas Invasion, Voyage of the Damned, Turn Left and The Stolen Earth, as well as several episodes of The Sarah Jane Adventures.
go here to read more

Funny crack faces

Remember this it's either in a post that I did due to be scheduled post some time this week

but go here for more

Dr who DWM

DWM came out today and as i said before i finally got my copy :)
so on the front was just the crack with a dark background and also Doctor who magazine was on the front.

The first page has a letter from the editor. also tells you what's on every page

The second page is the notes with Karen gillan, Matt smith and piers wenger.

The third page is news about torchwood returning for a fourth season. it will broadcast alongside series five of SJA and Dr who meaning that their be a bumper of episode of Dr who and the spin offs to enjoy next year

on page 6 their news of sja (which i posted yesterday )

on page nine it has news about the viewing figures

from page 16 to 21 has news on this years series final (but no spoilers)

from page 22 to 26 they talk about the lodger

page 40 its the watches guide to the Autons and that's to page 44

from page 46 its fact and fiction with the happiness patrol (KANDYMAN) :) and that's to page 52

on page 53 DWM do a review of Amy's choice and the hungry earth and cold blood plus the lodger and that's to page 58

on the last page is an interview with Barnaby Edwards

so that's it for this months the next issue is out 22 July and priced £4.20


The Ninth Doctor’s TARDIS prop was sold for £10,800 at Bonhams’ Entertainment Memorabilia auction which was held yesterday in London.

Doctor Who Figures: Comic Con Sets

Doctor Who action figure sets, which will be released as part of the 2010 San Diego Comic Convention figures range in July. The sets confirmed for release are:

1. The Eleventh Doctor without his tweed jacket, and with the orange Scientist Dalek from ‘Victory of the Daleks’.
2. The Fifth Doctor with his famous celery leaf and hat, and with The Master as portrayed by Anthony Ainley in ‘Planet of Fire’.
3. The Fifth Doctor in his regeneration outfit from ‘Logopolis’ and ‘Castrovalva’, with a removable Tom Baker scarf

Dr who first doctor quotes The Three Doctors

First Doctor colour.jpg

The Doctor: So you're my replacements — a dandy and a clown!

Dr who DWA

now I haven't got DWA yet as my local store hasn't had them in but here are a few pictures

go here to see more

Wednesday 23 June 2010

The dr who site changed

go here to see it

Dr who DWM out tomorrow

thanks to misswho - who post this in the chatango box on sunday night

Dr who blood of the cybermen extract downloads

go here and here to download the extract from blood of the cybermen

Dr who School Reunion - News & Features

more pictures from the adventure game (2nd)

Dr who radio times covers

go here for the rest these were in yesterdays radio times

Dr who big bang 7 things

  • The "Future Doctor" thing from 'Flesh and Stone' DOES happen, and has been confirmed by people who have seen the scripts.
  • The Pandorica has a rather useful feature, in that it keeps you alive... forever. (Which is good, considering what just happened to Amy.)
  • Amy has a very special brain because she grew up next to the crack for so long.
  • Auton-Rory is responsible for releasing the Doctor, and Amy gets locked inside the Pandorica while the Doctor goes off to find the right "fuel" to bring her back to life, leaving Rory to guard the box. Stuff happens and Rory is left waiting a LONG TIME, hence the "love that lasts a thousand years." He becomes "The Lone Centurion" and is spotted throughout time guarding the box. (and as some fans have pointed out, this actually makes him chronologically older than the Doctor now!)
  • Rory doesn't stay an Auton though, and he supposedly ends up human by the end.
  • The TARDIS does explode, but it's not how you think.
  • There is a wedding at the end, and one person who has seen the episode says that the ending is cheesily reminiscent of The Wizard of Oz.
go here to read more

plus thanks to thereddalek for telling us in the chatango box and thanks to doctor11 for finding the link