Sunday 31 October 2010

Silence is Tall – Casting news for Episodes One and Two

At the end of Series Five River Song was trapped in the TARDIS by an unseen force as a rasping voice declared that “Silence will fall”. This plot thread was left tantalisingly unresolved at the end of the series and Steven Moffat recently teased that in the forthcoming series “We’re going into the silence and what they are…”

Well it looks like that plot thread won’t be left dangling for long. Our sources suggest that 6’8” Dutch actor Marnix Van Den Broeke is appearing in the opening episodes of the 2011 series as the intriguingly named “The Silent”. While there’s nothing that definitively links Marnix’s role with last series’ unseen antagonist the name of the character surely can’t be coincidental.


Orbital - Doctor Who Theme Remix Video Updated

Dr who tenth doctor quotes The Satan Pit

The Doctor: is playing on very basic fears. Darkness, childhood, nightmares, all that sort of stuff.
Danny: But that's how the devil works!
The Doctor: Or a good psychologist.
The Doctor: You get representations of the horned beast right across the Universe. In the myths and legends of a million worlds: Earth, Draconia, Vel Considene, Daemos, the Kaled God of War: it's the same image, over and over again. Maybe that idea came from somewhere, bleeding through, a thought at the back of every sentient mind.
Ida: Emanating from here?
The Doctor: Could be.
Ida: But if this is the original, does that make it real? Does that make it the actual Devil?!
The Doctor: Well, if that's what you want to believe. Maybe that's what the Devil is in the end: an idea.
The Doctor:If you get back in touch... if you talk to Rose... just tell her...tell her I... Oh, she knows...
The Doctor: I've seen fake gods and bad gods and demi gods and would-be gods; out of all that, out of that whole pantheon, if I believe in one thing... just one thing... I believe in her.
Rose: Go to Hell

Happy halloween from the team

Well it's 31st of October today which means its Halloween!!!!!! 

So every year everyone goes trick or treating or has parties

So happy Halloween from 

Me - Emma :)



Rob Christie

I personally myself have grown out of going out on a Halloween now trick or treating (getting older :) ) 

PS. Enjoy the video

Stay safe kids!!

Big Finish Companion Volume 1

Released today 31 October 2010

Price: £29.99

A comprehensive guide to Big Finish releases including Doctor Who, Bernice Summerfield, Dark Shadows, The Tomorrow People, Sapphire and Steel, Stargate, Highlander and more. Contains facts, trivia and behind the scenes interviews. Hardback, coffee-table format.

More here

Saturday 30 October 2010

Dr who tenth doctor quotes The Impossible Planet

The Doctor:I don’t know what is wrong with her, she's sort of... queasy, indigestion... like she didn't want to land.
Rose:Well if you think that's gonna be trouble, we can always get back inside and go somewhere else.
The Doctor: I've trapped you here.
Rose: Oh, don't worry about me. [there is a rumble overhead] Okay... we're under a black hole... on a planet which shouldn't exist, with no way out. Right, I've changed my mind, start worrying about me.
Ida: Well, we've come this far, there's no turning back.
The Doctor: Oh come on! Did you have to? "No turning back," that's almost as bad as "Nothing could possibly go wrong," or "This is gonna be the best Christmas Walford's ever had!"
Ida: Have you finished?
The Doctor: Yeah... finished.
Toby Zed: These are the words of the beast. And he has woken, he is the heart that beats in the darkness, he is the blood that will never cease, and now he will rise!
The Beast: I have been imprisoned for eternity, but no more! The Pit is open... AND I AM FREE! 

Bits and bobs the big update john barrowman,Dr who,torchwood and some hacking

After being on a 2 day hacking by someone (no names) and my facebook,msn (both) and my Google account was hacked, so i was busy and hadn't been able to post so this is a big update of the past 2 days

Strictly for John Barrowman


The TV Movie DVD Release Confirmed for North America

The Doctor Returns the Night after Hallowe'en

Dr who spoilers (filming)

The Making Of Doctor Who

The November Madness Begins

Paul Magrs: Book Launch Reminder...

Torchwood Magazine - the "lost" season 2 episodes

Doctor Who’s Missing Episodes – Richard Molesworth

Dr who weta statues

Beneath the Salt Plains of Utah, the billionaire collector Henry Van Statten holds the last relic of an alien race.

See it here and more here

The Night After Hallowe'en: Prologue

The Sarah Jane Adventures - Series 4 Unreleased Cue - Luke's Unwilling Goodbyes


Friday 29 October 2010

Doctor Who - A Celebration With David Tennant Part 7

Dr who tenth doctor quotes The Idiot's Lantern

Rose: Where we off to?
The Doctor: Ed Sullivan TV studios. Elvis did "Hound Dog" on one of the shows, there were loads of complaints. Bit of luck, we'll just catch it.
Rose: And that would be TV studios in... what, New York?
The Doctor: That's the one.
Rose: Ha ha, dig that New York vibe.
The Doctor: Well, this could still be New York. I mean, this looks very New York to me. Sort of a London-y New York, mind you, but...
The Doctor: It's never too late, as a wise person once said; Kylie, I think.
Detective-Inspector Bishop: Start from the begining, tell me everything you know.
Doctor: Well, for starters, I know you can't wrap your hand around your elbow and make your fingers meet.
Detective: We just found another one. 
The Doctor: What! They left her where?
Detective: The street.
The Doctor: They took her face and just chucked her out in the street. As a consequence that makes this simple... very, very simple. Because now, Detective-Inspector Bishop, there is no power on this earth that can stop me! Come on!
The Doctor: I just invented the home video thirty years early. Betamax.
Rose: That thing, is it trapped for good on video?
The Doctor: Hope so. But just to be on the safe side though, I'll use my unrivalled knowledge of trans-temporal extrapolation methods to neutralise the residual electronic pattern.
Rose: You'll what?
The Doctor: I'm gonna tape over it.
Rose: Just leave it to me. I'm always doing that.

Thursday 28 October 2010

Sarah jane adventures new round up

Death of the doctor plot holes (With R.T.D their always is) and here

INTERVIEW Russell T Davies talks about THAT Sarah Jane Adventures line and here

What we learnt from death of the doctor and here

Den of geeks The empty planet gallery

Doctor Who and the Crossover Conference

The Sarah Jane Adventures: Death Of The Doctor

the guardian - Matt in Sarah Jane adventures

“This song is ending, but the story never ends …”

Den of geeks Sarah Jane adventures series 3 dvd review

Series 6 Filming Pics See if you can suggest any story lines coming up

1  4       33 44  66 77 88 99 111 222 







With thanks to the guys in the top left corners of the images.                                                                                                                                                                                                                               MORE HERE

Doctor Who Series 6 Filming

With Thanks Timelord50

Doctor Who - A Celebration With David Tennant Part 6

Dr who tenth doctor quotes The Age of Steel

Pete: I thought it was the security services, what do I get? Scooby-Doo and his gang! They've even got the van!
Mickey: No, no, but the Preachers know what they're doing. Ricky said he's London's most wanted.
Ricky: Yeah, that's not exactly...
Mickey: Not exactly what?
Ricky: I'm London's most wanted for... parking tickets.
Pete: Great.
Ricky: Yeah, they were deliberate, I was fighting the system! Park anywhere, that's me.
The Doctor: Good policy. I do much the same.
Mickey: Do you think there was a cyber factory in Paris? I've always wanted to go to Paris.
Jake: Yeah.
Mickey: Then let's go liberate France.
Jake: What, in a van?
Mickey: There's nothing wrong with a van. I once saved the universe with a big yellow truck!

Wednesday 27 October 2010

Children in Need Christmas special preview confirmed!

The Children in Need 2010 line-up has been revealed, and, in a similiar fashion to recent years, we’ll be treated to a sneak peek of the forthcoming Doctor Who Christmas special during this year’s telethon!

The live show appeal will be hosted by Terry Wogan and Tess Daly and will air on BBC1/HD from 7:00PM on Friday 19th November. We’ll let you know the exact transmission details for the Doctor Who preview as and when we get them. For now, let the countdown begin!


Doctor Who - A Celebration With David Tennant Part 5

Dr who tenth doctor quotes Rise of the Cybermen

The Doctor: Umm... what are you doing that for?
Mickey: 'Cause you told me to.
The Doctor: When was that?
Mickey: About half an hour ago.
The Doctor:  Umm... you can let go now.
Mickey: How long has it been since I could've stopped?
The Doctor: Ten minutes? Twenty? [beat] Twenty-nine?
Mickey: You just forgot me!
The Doctor: No, no, no, I was jus— I was— I was calibrating! I was jus— No, I know exactly what I'm doing.

Tuesday 26 October 2010

Doctor Who - Step Back In Time: Introducing Aggedor


Chris' Sarah Jane Adventure - Part 1

The Sarah Jane Adventures 4x05 Death Of The Doctor - Remembering the Doctor

The Sarah Jane Adventures: Series 4: Unreleased Music Cue: Rembering The Doctor.

Sarah Jane Adventures -The Empty Planet Next Time Trailer

Sarah jane adventures series 4 death of the doctor part 2 notes

We first saw the trailer

We then saw last time trailer

It then continues on from last time

We see Clyde on the planet of where the doctor was (with the doctor in Clyde place on earth)

Clyde is back on earth and the doctor on the planet but then changes back

Then the doctor, Sarah Jane and Jo disappear and Clyde is in their place (they have gone to the planet)

Rani,Clyde and Jo's grandson hide in the cooling systems

On the planet the doctor tells Sarah Jane of Amy and Rory

Jo tells the Doctor she tried to contact him after she left.

The Doctor tells Jo her 13Th grandchild will be Dyslexic,

Sarah Jane tries to talk to the doctor about his last regeneration (he says he looked back on all of his companions)

They fix the teleport and arrive back on earth

At UNIT a Groske is helping the kids

UNIT turn up the heat to get them to come out,

the Doctor gets them out.

“ah ventilation shafts that takes me back or forwards” The doctor

the shansheeth kidnap Sarah and Jo

Tia Karim and the Shansheeth are working together to steal the TARDIS

The Doctor tells Clyde he can regenerate 507 times

Sarah and Jo are put in the memory weave taking information from their minds about the TARDIS key

they remember old generations of the Doctor.

The Doctor tells them through the door to think of everything about him (the good things)

We see more flashbacks from the doctors and past adventures series 1,2 and 3 of Sarah Jane adventures

Sarah and Jo escape the machine but there is still a door between them and the Doctor.

They hide in the metal coffin (because of the memory weave is about to explode)

The memory weave machine explodes from overload, big explosion

the doors fly off

Sarah and Jo come out of the coffin unharmed.

The TARDIS arrives in Sarah Jane's loft

everyone leaves the Tardis while Sarah and Jo are talking to the doctor

the Doctor confirms if he dies the whole universe may shiver.

Jo mentions the time lords (she doesn't know about the time war)

Sarah and Jo then leave the Tardis

they watch as the TARDIS leaves.

They watch as Jo and her grandson leave

other past companions are discussed. (apparently Sarah Jane searches for them like Tegan she lives in Australia, Ben and Polly living in India,harry and ,Dorothy (ace) ,and it turns out that Ian and Barbara are still alive and haven't age since the left the Tardis )

“with friends like us he's never going to die” Sarah Jane

the titles and the next time trailer

Sarah jane adventures death of the doctor day part 2

by Russell T Davies

Old friends fight together to make one last stand against the sinister Shansheeth. But with Clyde and Rani trapped in terrible danger, Sarah Jane and Jo Grant realise their worst fears – their friendship with the Doctor might be the very thing that dooms them.

Its on at 5.15pm on cbbc channel

Sarah janes adventures series 4 Death of the doctor part 1 notes

It starts with trailer (as always)

It then goes to Sarah Jane with Clyde and Rani talking to Luke on web cam

Mr smith announces an emergency

UNIT troops arrive at Sarah Jane's house and tell Sarah Jane the Doctor is dead.

On to the titles

Sarah Jane in the attic

Mr smith explains that the Vulture-like Shansheeth are the carers of the dead, they talk to the gang via a hologram, saying the Doctor is dead, everyone is upset, but Sarah Jane doesn't believe it and intends to investigate.

Unit takes charge of the doctor's funeral

Sarah talks to Luke over web cam about the doctor

Sarah Jane is taken to unit base with Clyde and Rani

They meet some Groske (like Graske but blue)

they are shown the UNIT rocket which will launch the Doctors body into space.

“A real proper rocket” Nice to know I get reminded of Donna their :)

A Groske tell Clyde He Is Coming. Clyde has Artron energy on his hand. (From the wedding of Sarah Jane)

the shansheeth hold a gathering of remembrance

Sarah Jane asks to see the body, they don't let her, Sarah Jane still doesn't seem to believe it, she thinks of 10.

Flashbacks to ten,four and three

Jo Grant arrives at the funeral, fussing over flowers, she starts going on about new age stuff.

Sarah and Jo meet.

Jo's grandson is called Santiago and introduces himself to the gang.

Jo tells Sarah Jane she has 7 children and 12 grandchildren.

Jo seems hurt that Sarah has seen the Doctor recently.

They both agree the Doctor is still alive.

Santiago never went to school always travelling the world with his parents

Jo and Sarah exchange stories

the 13Th grandchildren is on its way (Jo's)

Clyde show Rani the artron energy

More flashbacks to Sarah Jane's wedding

Rani,Clyde and Santiago chase a groske through the ventilation system and Clyde finds out that the Shansheeth want Sarah and Jo's memories

The Doctor uses Clyde's body to talk through,

Ten thousands light years

Clyde turns into the Doctor, he explains he has swapped places with Clyde.

Jo and Sarah meet the Doctor.

The Shansheeth arrive and shoot the Doctor

cliff hanger we then see the trailer for next time

If you missed part 1 of it watch it here on iplayer

If you haven't read our part 1 review read it Here

Part two of death of the doctor notes will be posted a few hours after it airs 

and part 2 review of the death of the doctor will be either posted tonight or tomorrow 

Sarah Jane Adventures Children's BAFTA Nomination

The Sarah Jane Adventures has been nominated for an award in the BAFTA Children's Awards. The series is listed as one of ten shows in the Television Category, facing opposition from other popular children's programmes like Horrible Histories, Deadly 60, Tracy Beaker Returns and The Wizards of Waverley Place.


Doctor Who - A Celebration With David Tennant Part 4

Dr who tenth doctor quotes The Girl in the Fireplace

The Doctor: No, no, no way, Reinette Poisson? Later Madame D'Etoiles, later still mistress of Louis XV, uncrowned Queen of France? Actress, artist, musician, dancer, courtesan. Fantastic gardener!
French Servant: Who the hell are you?!
The Doctor: I'm the Doctor, and I just snogged Madame de Pompadour!
Rose: Oh, here's trouble. What you been up to?
The Doctor: Oh, this and that. Became the imaginary friend of a future French aristocrat, picked a fight with a clockwork man... Oh, and I met a horse.
Mickey: What's a horse doing on a spaceship?
The Doctor: Mickey, what's pre-revolutionary France doing on a spaceship? Get a little perspective!
Reinette: One may tolerate a world of demons for the sake of an angel.
Reinette: Oh, this is my lover, the King of France.
The Doctor:Yeah? Well I'm the Lord of Time.
Reinette: My dear Doctor: the path has never seemed more slow, and yet I fear I am nearing its end. Reason tells me that you and I are unlikely to meet again, but I think I shall not listen to reason. I have seen the world inside your head and know that all things are possible. Hurry though, my love: my days grow shorter now, and I am so very weak. Godspeed, my lonely angel.

Sarah jane adventures series 4 The Empty Planet promo pics

More Here

Monday 25 October 2010

Sophie Aldred (Ace from Doctor Who) discusses Thunderbirds

“The Death of the Doctor” Review

This two part episode is one the most eagerly awaited by fans since the series began. This episode was penned by ex Doctor Who Head Writer and executive producer, Russell T Davies. The episode sees the return of an old companion of the Doctor's from the 70's, Jo Grant last seen in the Third Doctor story, Green Death. This episode starts with UNIT informing Sarah Jane and the gang that the Doctor has been found dead. Sarah Jane refuses to believe the Doctor is dead but decides to go to a UNIT base, where the Doctor's funeral is to take place, taking Rani and Clyde with her. A race of “universal undertakers” called the Shansheeth conduct the ceremony. Clyde and the gang are suspicious of the Shansheeth and decide to investigate, climbing into an air vent and then listening to the conversations. They overhear that the whole thing was designed as a trap for Sarah Jane and Jo and go off to find them both. Clyde notices blue energy emitting from the palm of his hand and soon the Doctor has managed to switch places with Clyde, from over a ten thousand light years, sending him to an alien planet, and bringing the Doctor back to Earth. The episode ends with a Shansheeth firing a laser at the Doctor, from his claw.

Now, for my opinion on part one. I was pleased to hear, some weeks ago that Jo Grant would be making a return but I was extremely disappointed to hear RTD would be writing it. Jo is her feisty self, but maybe too feisty. The Shansheeth made very bad villains, they were badly realised and sounded very fake. The SJA gang just didn't sound their usual selves entirely and Sarah Jane was badly written. The whole plot has yet to be fully revealed but what was revealed came as no surprise. Very predictable. I don't feel it's entirely fair to judge a two parter on the first part, but I wouldn't be surprised if part two is actually worse. The Doctor was his usual self. I congratulate Russell T Davies for bringing the Doctor's latest incarnation to life. It must have been hard for him to write for a Doctor that he had no part in inventing. So, overall the episode was ambitious but never pulled quite managed to pull it off.

Review of Part Two coming soon!

The Sarah Jane Adventures - James Moran

Series 4 of The Sarah Jane Adventures continues on CBBC this week, starting today with "Death of the Doctor", and it's a particularly exciting episode for several reasons: Russell T Davies is writing it, Matt Smith is guest starring as the Doctor, it sees the return of Katy Manning as Jo Grant - Jo Grant! - and, most excitingly for me, it features the voice of my ridiculously talented wife Jodie Kearns in some of Sam Watts' brilliant music.

She also did some vocals for part 2 of Joe Lidster's "The Nightmare Man" story that opened series 4, and you can hear that here at Sam's website - scroll down and play the track called "I Wasn't Talking To You". She's at the start, but also breaks into full on operatic mayhem towards the end, it's fantastic.

Read more Here and Here

New Eighth Doctor costume revealed

Paul McGann is currently in New Zealand, a guest at the Armageddon Pop Culture Expo (Auckland, New Zealand) this weekend. On Saturday he appeared on a panel and revealed what is to be the 'new' costume for the Eighth Doctor.

The costume consists of a double-breasted black Naval jacket, with gold buttons. Part of of the ensemble is a courier pouch bag. However, the shirt and trousers were actually McGann's own and not part of the costume.

Also revealed is a new sonic screwdriver, courtesy of Weta Workshop, the wizards behind the effects on The Lord of the Rings. The screwdriver is similar to the one used by the current Doctor, Matt Smith, but has a wooden handle.


Sylvester McCoy wins role in The Hobbit

Sylvester McCoy has told fans he has been cast as Radagast the Brown in the upcoming film The Hobbit.

Rumours of the Seventh Doctor's involvement in the Peter Jackson film have been around for a while but this is the first conformation from the actor that he has been offered a role in the movie.

McCoy was speaking at the Armageddon Expo in Auckland yesterday, It is understood that McCoy had meetings in Wellington with Jackson and co-producer and co-writer Philippa Boyens last week, where he was offered the role, but that no contracts have yet been signed.


Sarah jane adventures Death of the Doctor Cliffhanger part 1


Blue Box 2

The second issue of the fanzine Blue Box is now available.

In this issue
10 Films Every Doctor Who Fan Should Watch by Ian Wheeler
Escaping Sunbeams (Fan Fiction) by Robin Bell
Horror of Fang Rock Review by Richard Farrell
Season Fnarg Reviews by William JP Turner, David MacGowan and Jez Strickley
Paul Cornell Interview Part 2
Art by Nathan Lindsell
Prom Review by Tim Drury

Rumours of Death by Jez Strickley


DVD News - Seeds of Death Revisited

2 entertain have confirmed that the third story in the Revisitations 2 Box Set will be the Second Doctor Story The Seeds of Death.

DVD commissioning editor Dan Hall gave the news in an interview with Radio Free Skaro. The Seeds of Death stars Frazer Hines as Jamie McCrimmon and Wendy Padbury as Zoe Heriot alongside Patrick Troughton as the Doctor. It was first released on DVD in February 2003.

The story joins The Carnival of Monsters with Jon Pertwee and Resurrection of the Daleks with Peter Davison, on the box set expected to be released mid 2011.


The Telegraph: False Gods for download

The Daily Telegraph will be making the Big Finish Doctor Who audio adventure False Gods available free for download for readers on Saturday 30th October.

In the blistering heat of the Egyptian desert Howard Carter and his team search for the lost tomb of Userhat, a servant of the god Amun. What they discover sheds new light on the history of the world as we know it.

Written by Mark Morris, the story stars Sylvester McCoy as the Doctor, Sophie Aldred as Ace and Philip Olivier as Hex, with Benedict Cumberbatch as Howard Carter, Lucy Adams as Jane Templeton, Paul Lincoln as Robert Charles, Jon Glover as Creodont, and Paul Lincoln as Robot.


Sarah Jane Ratings - The Nightmare Man

The Sarah Jane Adventures topped the weekly ratings for CBBC with both parts of the series opener getting a confirmed rating of over half a million viewers according to figures released by BARB.

The Nightmare Man Part Two topped the charts with 0.67 million viewers with Part One getting 0.59 million watching.

The score is the highest rating for the channel since January and the third highest of the year so far, beaten by Tracey Beaker Returns.

The two episodes were repeated later in the week on BBC Two where overnight figures give the story an additional 0.21 million for Part One and 0.31 million for Part two. Final figures for these broadcasts will be out later this month.



Death of the Doctor Part 2 Trailer - Sarah Jane Adventures

WHO is Paul McGann's favourite Doctor Who?

More Here

Does Sylvester McCoy want to return to Doctor Who?


Dr who series 6 casting news

Emilio Acqunio will be making what appears to be his television début by appearing as a Busboy in the first episode of in the Moffatt penned two-part opening story.

He has appeared in several theatre productions and can also be seen next year in Science-fiction/romance film The Adjustment Bureau which is loosely based on a short story by Philip K. Dick and stars Matt Damon and Emily Blunt.


Torchwood series 4 casting rumours emerge

A number of rumours have surfaced surrounding casting for the upcoming transatlantic series of Torchwood.

Entertainment Weekly claims that former One Tree Hill star Chad Michael Murray may be up for the role of funny-but-tough CIA agent Rex Matheson.

The upcoming fourth series of the Doctor Who spin-off - a co-production between the BBC and US network Starz - is scheduled to air next summer.


Sarah jane adventures series 4 episode 5 Death of the doctor day!!!

by Russell T Davies

When the Doctor is declared dead, old companions Sarah Jane and Jo Grant meet for the very first time, and join forces to discover the truth. As an interstellar conspiracy gathers around UNIT HQ, Clyde finds that he holds the fate of the Time Lord in his hand – quite literally!

Its on at 5.15 on cbbc

The Sarah Jane Adventures: Death of the Doctor + special guests

Sarah Jane Adventures Clip From TMi for Death of the Doctor

SJA' execs: 'Jo return more than cameo'

Russell T Davies Discusses the Role of Katy manning's appearance in the sarah jane adventures

Sarah jane adventures series 4 - Death of the doctor promo pic!!

The doctor is now immortal?

Sarah jane adventures series 4 death of the doctor BFI screening

Sarah jane adventures death of the doctor news

Sarah jane adventures series 4 Death of the doctor,behind the scenes,katy manning (jo grant - jo jones),matt smith promo pics!!!!

Sarah Jane Adventures Death of the Doctor Part 1 Trailer

The Sarah Jane Adventures - Death of the Doctor Trailer 2

Sarah jane adventures radio times death of the doctor

Sarah jane adventures radio times death of the doctor

Den of geeks The Sarah Jane Adventures series 4 episodes 5 & 6 spoiler-free review: Death Of The Doctor

Sarah jane adventures death of the doctor radio times pictures

The Sarah Jane Adventures Death of the Doctor preview! new clip

Sarah jane adventures death of the doctor pictures radio times

The Sarah Jane Adventures Death of the Doctor Part 1 Death of the Doctor Preview Clip 2

Remember part 2 tomorrow!!!

Doctor Who - A Celebration With David Tennant Part 3

How Matt Smith Prepared For His Role. (Doctor Who)

Source and Here

More Tardis for series 6?

Read here

''A few days ago I told about how I had recieved word that a new set had been built for an extension to the TARDIS console room, for filming during series 6, but now it seems that although we will be getting more TARDIS interior, it had indeed been filmed in a steel works and will only appear as corridors.''

Sarah jane adventures series 4 death of the doctor - den of geeks review

We pick up the story with UNIT, led by the suspiciously glamorous Colonel Karim (Laila Rouass), turning up on Bannerman Road to inform Sarah Jane of the recent death of the Doctor. Refusing to believe them, Sarah Jane is shown a video clip of the Vulture-like Shansheeth, the universe's coffin bearers, who claim that the Doctor has been killed in space and that they're bringing his body 'home' to Earth for immediate burial. Even after seeing this transmission, Sarah Jane's sceptical. She claims that if the Doctor was dead she'd know and the last time she saw him, well, she was convinced he was about to regenerate.

Despite her misgivings, Sarah Jane knows that she has a duty to investigate and, along with Clyde and Rani, decamps to UNIT's base at the foot of Mount Snowdon, where the Doctor's body is said to be lying in state. It's while visiting the chapel of rest inside the base that Sarah Jane finally crosses paths with the woman who preceded her in the TARDIS, the eternally blonde, Jo Grant.

It's a great re-introduction scene for Jo who, though obviously much older than when we last saw her, is still the same bubbly and slightly scatty character we fell in love with back in the early 1970s. Of course, bringing two eras of a show together is always a risk, but thankfully, this is more than just an empty exercise in fan fiction and it's a real testament to Russell T Davies' skill as a writer that he uses Jo's reappearance, not just as a chance to catch up with the former Miss Grant, but as a counterpoint to Sarah Jane's own life.

Read more Here

Doctor Who The Seeds Of Doom

Released today: 25-10-2010

Format: DVD


from hmv

Starring Tom Baker and Elisabeth Sladen.

Special Features:
Disc 1:
• 6 x 25 mins approx colour episodes with mono audio.
• Commentary - stereo. With actors Tom Baker, John Challis, Kenneth Gilbert and Michael McStay, producer Philip Hinchcliffe, writer Robert Banks Stewart, replacement designer Roger Murray-Leach and Joggs Camfield (son of the director, the late Douglas Camfield).
• Isolated Music – option to watch the episode with the isolated music score.
• Programme subtitles.
• Subtitle Production Notes.

Disc 2:
• PodShock (dur. 37’ 15”) – cast and crew look back at the making of the story. With actors John Challis, Kenneth Gilbert and Ian Fairbairn, producer Philip Hinchcliffe, writer Robert Banks Stewart, production assistant Graeme Harper, original designer Jeremy Bear, design assistant Jan Spoczynski, visual effects designer Richard Conway and composer Geoffrey Burgon.
• Now and Then (dur. 8’ 56” ) – our long running series visits Athelhampton House, a quarry in Reigate and the • BBC Television Centre to explore the locations used in ‘The Seeds of Doom’.
• Playing in the Green Cathedral (dur. 10’ 03”) – composer Geoffrey Burgon talks about his involvement in Doctor Who.
• So What Do You Do Exactly? (dur. 14’ 23”) – ever wondered what the job of a Production Assistant or a Production Unit Manager entails? Graeme Harper explains…
• Stripped for Action – The Fourth Doctor (dur. 20’ 18”) – our series on the Doctor’s comic-strip adventures looks at the portrayal of the fourth Doctor in the pages of Doctor Who Magazine’s regular graphic stories. With former DWM editors Dez Skinn, Gary Russell and Alan Barnes, writer Pat Mills, artist Dave Gibbons and consultant Jeremy Bentham.
• Trail and Continuity (dur. 1’ 23”) – an off-air trail for the story’s first episode and continuity announcements for its fifth.
• Photo Gallery (dur. 4’ 46”) - production, design and publicity photos from the story.
• Coming Soon (dur. 1 min approx.) - a trailer for a forthcoming DVD release.
• Radio Times Listings and Douglas Camfield’s paper edit for a compilation version of the story in Adobe PDF format.

Sunday 24 October 2010

Sarah jane adventures death of the doctor radio times pictures


The Sarah Jane Adventures Scores - All Tied Up

Thanks to doctor11 for the heads up 


Dr who tenth doctor quotes School Reunion

The Doctor: So, physics! Physics, eh? Physics! Phyyyysics! I hope you're getting all this down!
The Doctor: K-9! Rose Tyler, Mickey Smith, allow me to introduce K-9! Well, K-9 Mark III, to be precise.
Rose: Why does he look so... disco?
The Doctor: Oi! Listen, in the year 5000, this was cutting edge!
Rose: I thought you and me were— Well, I obviously got it wrong. I've been to the year 5 billion, right, but this... Now, this is really seeing the future. You just leave us behind. Is that what you're gonna do to me?
The Doctor: No. Not to you.
Rose: But Sarah Jane. You were that close to her once, and now you never even mention her. Why not?
The Doctor: I don't age. I regenerate. But humans decay; you wither and you die. Imagine watching that happen to someone that you— 
Rose: What, Doctor?
The Doctor: You can spend the rest of your life with me, but I can't spend the rest of mine with you. I have to live on. Alone. That's the curse of the Time Lords.
Brother Lasar: Our time has come, my brothers. Today, we shall become...gods!
Sarah: I saw things you wouldn't believe!
Rose: Try me.
Sarah: Mummies.
Rose: I've met ghosts.
Sarah: Robots. Lots of robots.
Rose: Slitheen. In Downing Street.
Sarah: Daleks!
Rose: Met the Emperor.
Sarah: Anti-matter monsters!
Rose: Gas-mask zombies!
Sarah: Real living dinosaurs!
Rose: Real living werewolf!
Sarah: The Loch Ness monster!
Rose: Seriously?
Mr Finch/Brother Lassar: You... bad dog!
K9: Affirmative!

Saturday 23 October 2010

Sarah jane adventures death of the doctor radio times pictures


Sarah jane adventures death of the doctor radio times pictures


Bits and bobs - Dr who,Sarah jane adventures,john barrowman and more!!

Doctor Who "The Coming of the Terraphiles" Book Review by Paul Magrs

Sarah jane adventures trailer maker

Doctor Who: The Crimes of Thomas Brewster

The sarah jane adventures quiz

The ood cast 

Doctor Who Series 5 Soundtrack — Exclusive Bonus Tracks

Blogtorwho's actor wishlist

Sarah jane adventures pen pack

Win Doctor Who audiobooks and a signed script

People's choice awards (Dr who)

The Story of Sarah Jane: Part 4

Writers' Guild award nomination

BBC Cutbacks and the TARDIS is Hit First!!

Doctor Who Writer Tony Lee Looks Ahead To Eleventh Doctor As IDW Ends Tenth Doctor's Series

John Barrowman To Host Scotland's Children In Need

Doctor Who: Return to Earth Preview

Sarah Jane Adventures:The Vault of Secrets review

Colin Baker: "Don’t let perverts set our agenda"

Doctor Who: Deimos

Dr who tenth doctor quotes Tooth and Claw

The Doctor: 1879... same difference.
Captain Reynolds: You will explain your presence... and the nakedness of this girl.
The Doctor: Are we in Scotland?
Captain Reynolds: How can you be ignorant of that?
The Doctor: Oh, I'm— I'm dazed and confused. I've been chasing this wee naked child over hill and over dale. Ain't that right, ya... tim'rous beastie?
Rose: Uh-uh... och aye, I've been oot and aboot—
The Doctor: No, don't do that.
Rose: Hoots, mon!
The Doctor: No, really don't. Really.
The Doctor: And, I'll tell you something else; we just met Queen Victoria!
Rose: Oh I know! She was just sitting there.
The Doctor: Like a stamp!
Rose: I wanted to say  "we are not amused". Bet you five quid I can make her say it.
The Doctor: Well if I gambled on that, it'd be an abuse of my privilege as a traveler in time.
Rose: Ten quid?
The Doctor: Done.
Rose: How much is that worth?
The Doctor: They say the wages of the entire planet for a whole week.
Rose: Good job my mum's not here, or she'd be fighting the wolf off with her bare hands for that thing.
The Doctor: She'd win.

Mark Gatiss To Play Doctor Who’s War Chief?

Now it may not be true the picture was taken 2 days ago, its of mark gatiss who looks like the war chief

he also tweeted

Now, there’s also some indication that the return of The War Chief will be staged in Neil Gaiman’s episode. Here’s a quote from Doctor Who Magazine in which Gaiman teases some details of his script:

It all starts in void-space, with something or someone we have not seen since The War Games, and a knock on the TARDIS door. The guest star… is the brilliant Suranne Jones, playing someone who is beautiful… and who bites. Might just turn out to be an old acquaintance with a new face.

Read more Here

Dr who How many times can the doctor regenerate!


Friday 22 October 2010

The Sarah Jane Adventures Death of the Doctor Part 1 Death of the Doctor Preview Clip 2


The Sarah Jane Adventures Death of the Doctor preview! new clip

I found this and informed pcj so thanks to him its on youtube :) 

BBC Doctor Who: Step Back In Time - Not Too Late for the Party

As we reach the final entry in our four-part series, The Story of Sarah Jane, we couldn't resist the opportunity to revisit the very first episode of The Sarah Jane Adventures, entitled Invasion of the Bane.


Sarah jane adventures death of the doctor pictures radio times


Gallifrey returns... in erm BIG FINISH!!!!!!!!

Five years after the last instalment of Gallifrey audio adventures, Big Finish Productions is pleased to announce that the series will be returning for a new four-part mini-series, picking up where the climactic events of series three left off.

Recording on the first two stories was completed in early September, and saw Lalla Ward and Louise Jameson reunited as the Doctor's former travelling companions Romana and Leela. Also returning are Miles Richardson as Irving Braxiatel, Sean Carlsen as Co-ordinator Narvin and John Leeson as K-9.

‘It’s so great being back with the old Big Finish crowd for this mini-series,’ says producer Gary Russell, ‘and working again with some of my favourite people. Making the first three Gallifreys always was one of my most favourite experiences, so to do it again is fantastic. And it’s a real honour to come back refreshed and reinvigorated, and find out exactly what this particular group of characters is up to now.’

The series opens with Gallifrey Reborn by Gary Hopkins, which sees Gallifrey on the brink of an all-consuming war across the cosmos. Justin Richards then picks up the adventure in Gallifrey Disassembled, where Romana and her companions find themselves on the run from the High Council's temporal assassins, with only an old friend able to protect them.


Bits and bobs big update Dr who,torchwood,sarah jane adventures,the daleks,matt smith,reviews and more!!!

Titan Announces Torchwood Exclusive!

Dr Who Weekly - 1980

More Reviews Of DW Live!

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The Sarah Jane Adventures: Series 4: Unreleased Music: Lukes First Drive.

Matt Smith: "I'm a huge Forest fan"

The Young Ones’ Nigel Planer on playing Vorgenson in Doctor Who Live at the Echo Arena

Doctor Who for Newbies: The Fifth Doctor

DVD Review: The Sarah Jane Adventures: Complete Third Series

Doctor Who and the Attack of the Cybermen

No sofa required for Doctor Who Live 'glam rock panto' show

BOOK REVIEW Doctor Who: The Coming Of The Terraphiles – Michael Moorcock

Fun and games sarah jane website

Mark Gatiss Interview

Smith Wants Who Movie!!!


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DOCTOR WHO AUDIO BOOKS -1Oth Doctor David Tennant

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Geronimo- Doctor Who 2010

Doctor Who Revisitations Volume 2

Colin Baker: "Confused at stadium reaction"

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Doctor Who: the Pandorica Opens Book

Doctor Who: A Death in the Family

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The Doctor; Timelord, Hero, Oncoming Storm and er...Fashion Icon??

Dalek give boot from dr who

Doctor Who: Your questions answered

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ABC to fast-track Doctor Who Christmas special

David Confirmed For Breakfast Show

Genesis 1963: Celebrating Doctor Who Day - and beyond...

Denofgeek - have the new Daleks been dumped?

Doctor who stars light up Cardiff the Christmas City