Sunday 15 August 2010

Dr who fourth doctor quotes Destiny of the Daleks

The Doctor: Say "aah."
K9: Aaaaaaahhhhhh...
The Doctor: Aaaah! Aaah, laryingitis! How can a robot catch laryngitis? What do you need it for? Romana!
The Doctor: Ah, Romana!, Romana, the dog's got laryngitis. Sorry, I thought you were Romana. Have you seen her? What are you doing here?
Romana II: Regenerating. Do you like it?
The Doctor: Regenerating? What are you talking about, regenerating? Only Time Lords regenerate! Look, it's awfully nice to see you, Princess Astra...
Romana II: Romana.
The Doctor: Romana! Ahhhhh...
K9: Aaaaaaahhhhhh...
The Doctor: Shut up, K9. What are you doing in that body?
Romana II: Regenerating. Do you like it?
The Doctor: But you can't wear that body!
Romana II: I thought it looked very nice on the princess.
The Doctor: But you can't go around wearing copies of bodies!
Romana II: Why not? We're not going back to Atrios, are we?
The Doctor: No.
Romana II: Well then.
The Doctor: Well, go try another one on. Go on.
Romanan II: Alright.
Romana II: What about this, Doctor?
The Doctor: Exactly! Good heavens, that's exactly right! Ha! I never realized you had such a sense of style!
Romana II: I thought you said external appearances weren't important.
The Doctor:Ah, but it's nice to get them right, though, isn't it?
Romana II: Ah, but it's what's inside that counts.
The Doctor: Exactly! Oh.
Romana II: Don't you like it? I think it'll do very nicely. If the arms are a bit long I can always take them in.
The Doctor: No, no, no! The arms are just fine.
The Doctor:Oh, look! Rocks!
Romana II: What is it?
The Doctor: I don't know. I have the feeling I've been here before.
Romana II: Déjà vu?
The Doctor:: Oui.
Romana II: Is there something you recognize?
The Doctor: Nothing tangible. ] Just have a sensation, a pervading air of- can you feel it too?
Romana II: Should we go back inside?
The Doctor: What?! And never know where I've been for the end of time? I wouldn't sleep at night. Come on.
The Doctor: Interesting.
Romana II: Precious stones?
The Doctor: Very precious. In a geological sense more precious than diamonds. But I need a bigger bit-Ah-ha! Ha-ha! Ha-ha; I was right!
Romana II: How modest.
The Doctor: Well then see what you make of it.
Romana II: A composite material. Gravel in a binding of possibly limestone and clay.
The Doctor: Limestone and clay making?
Romana II: Add water, cement.
The Doctor: Add gravel.
Romana II: Concrete.
The Doctor: You know something? You've got all the makings of a first-class navvy. Concrete. Manufactured.
Romana II: Sounds like drilling. What do you think it was?
The Doctor: Underworld dentist?
The Doctor: Recognize the type?
Romana II: Not specifically.Judging by design and size I'd say it had intergalactic range and time warp capability.
Romana II: Don't go anywhere, will you?
The Doctor:I'd rather hoped you'd resisted the temptation to say that.
The Doctor: Don't forget the arrow-
Romana II: "A" to the front!
The Doctor: If you're supposed to be the superior race of the universe, why don't you try climbing after us?
Romana II:One for casual, one for best.
Tyson: What are we looking for?
The Doctor: The same thing the Daleks are.
Tyson: And what's that?
The Doctor: I'll tell you when I find out.
Mavellan: So that's what the Daleks are looking for. Their creator.
Davros: So, the long darkness has ended. An eternity of waiting is over. The resurrection has come, as I always knew it would. Now, where are my Daleks? Doctor!
The Doctor: Davros! You don't look a day older, and I'd hoped you were dead.
Davros: Dead? I do not die! Mark this moment, Doctor. In this history of the universe, this moment is unique. Davros lives!
The Doctor: Yes, well, I can see your long rest hasn't done anything to cure your megalomania. Have a jelly baby.
The Doctor: Now ss-pack off!
The Doctor: I'm a very dangerous fellow when I don't know what I'm doing.

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