Sir Robert: Superb innings! Worthy of the Master.
The Doctor:The Master?
Sir Robert: Well, the other Doctor! W.G. Grace!
The Doctor: Yes, of course!
The Doctor: And besides -
Sir Robert: Besides what?
- The Doctor: Well, it wouldn't be cricket.
Sir Robert: Superb innings! Worthy of the Master.
The Doctor:The Master?
Sir Robert: Well, the other Doctor! W.G. Grace!
The Doctor: Yes, of course!
The Doctor: And besides -
Sir Robert: Besides what?
“There will be a Dalek story when we’ve got a good idea for a Dalek story. [When that happens], there will be lots of different kinds of Daleks.”
finally a year will go by without a dalek episode i am happy :) what do you think of this please comment
The guardian have uploaded a video of steven moffat explaining next year
watch it here
The Doctor: An apple a day keeps the... Ah, never mind.
Tegan: Hello?
Steven moffat and the BBC have announced that for 2011 Dr who will be split in two which means Dr who in the spring and autumn.
it is a request from Steven to write a new Doctor Who story arc which involves a big plot twist in the middle of the series. By splitting the series Moffat plans to give viewers one of the most exciting Doctor Who cliffhangers and plot twists ever, leaving them waiting, on the edge of their seats, until the autumn to find out what happens.
he says ''The split series is hugely exciting because viewers will be treated to two premieres, two finales and more event episodes. For the kids it will never be more than a few months to the next Doctor Who! Easter, Autumn, Christmas!!"
"For Matt and Karen to have landed as successfully as they have in the audience's mind, to be as popular and to be as instantly associated with the roles is wonderful. The telling point for me was that first episode when Matt put the fishfinger into the custard and from that moment on I completely believed in him."
Hello their if you haven't noticed all ready we are adding pages to the site and the links will be on the sidebar >>>
at the moment we only have one page added and the others will be added tomorrow so now the chat boxes are on the chat page click the link on at sidebar or go here :)
TARDIS is a dramatic, non-stop story in which you get to take control of the Doctor's time machine and battle a new monster known as the Entity... But if you want to know what the Doctor and Amy are up to immediately before that adventure begins, you can find out now in Wish You Were Here. It's written by James Moran (The Fires of Pompeii, Torchwood) who also wrote the latest Adventure Game. It sets the scene for TARDIS, introduces a new threat faced by the Doctor and leads directly into the action of the game.
watch the introduction here
read more here
"Without wishing to give too much away, because I want them to remain a surprise, I can tell you that Steven Moffat has written them and they're extra little scenes and skits. They're self-contained and they're just very funny. He's not bound by any narrative so he can just write really funny skits. I think they're a wonderful bonus."
The Doctor: It's the end... but the moment has been prepared for...
"Yeah, I'd love to. I'd give my eye-teeth to do that!"
Dr Who at the Proms 2010 is scheduled to be screened on BBC Three, Mon September 6 at 8.30pm, with a running time of an hour.
read a review here
The Doctor and Amy arrive at the Lake District to watch the humans leave the planet. Suddenly the TARDIS gets lifted from them and bolted onto the evacuation ship. They have to make their way onto the ship before it leaves As the ship launches it has technical problems and they realise the Silurians have built a ship underneath. The Doctor finds a solution to make the ship work
Suddenly the Dalek ship smashes into the human one and splits the Silurian half off. It’s the Dalek ship that chased the Time Axis into the sun – they weren’t destroyed, they actually made a random jump several hundred years into the pastThe Daleks are pleased that they can exact revenge on the Doctor but first they make him fix their ship. The Doctor goes along with their plan but tricks them into bolting the TARDIS onto their ship, which he promptly jumps into and uses to fling them into the nearest black hole
A few weeks ago we heard rumors that Matt smith would be leaving Dr who just after one more season of Dr who but Matt smith is now staying till 2013 (Dr who is 50 years old in 2013).
“The current team believe that Matt is the person to continue taking the show forward over the next few years and want to avoid the prospect of fans having to get used to yet another actor in the role in the near future,” says our show mole.
“Matt has made it clear he’s keen to commit himself to the series for the long-term.”
"Since 1963, kids have wondered what it would be like to control the TARDIS. Now we're handing complete control of the most powerful ship in all of space and time to a generation of children. Everybody duck! . . . 'TARDIS' is a brilliant, brilliant adventure. It's funny, touching, terrifying, amazing - everything a Doctor Who episode should be."
The game allows players to explore the Doctor's wondrous drawing room, featuring treasures and artefacts from his many adventures - a location specially created for the game, which will go on to form part of the Doctor Who canon . . .
With the TARDIS stuck in a riptide, and the Doctor sucked into space, Amy Pond must explore the secrets of the time machine in order to restore normality. The adventure will uncover the secrets of the TARDIS, unveil two brand new monsters - and allow players to pilot the TARDIS themselves.
The Doctor has just been given a bowl of something to eat. Something...possibly... alien...
Is it something people can eat?
(to Doctor)
Shouldn’t you scan it with your screwdriver or something?
Why would I scan food with my screwdriver?
See if it’s safe?
The Doctor leans over, dips his finger into his bowl, tastes it.
Some unusual trace elements, smidge too much background radiation, but, yeah, very yummy.
Amy is about to try some of his food... he stops her.
THE DOCTOR (cont’d)
No. Don’t put it in your mouth.
Not for humans?
Not for you. Tastes like Marmite on socks.
“I loved the show when it was the Hub and SUV: the cuteness of that, the madness of that, riding around Cardiff with old women saying ‘Bloody Torchwood’…!”
Russell T Davies’ recent chat with SFX has seen him reveal a few things about Torchwood Series 4 – not least the amount of behind the scenes work that has gone into forging a co-production between BBC Wales, BBC Worldwide and Starz.
“Yes, he is, bless him. I saw an interview with Gareth David-Lloyd recently where he was saying, ‘That’s enough, thanks’. Leave him to get on with his career!”