Dr who fourth doctor quotes The Keeper of Traken

- Adric: I don't see what the law of probability has to do with it. The Doctor: No.What?! Adric, I've given you a privileged insight into the mystery of time, yes?
- Adric: Yes.
- The Doctor: Introduced you to adventures beyond imagining, yes?
- Adric: Yes.
- The Doctor: And you criticise my logic?
- Adric: No, no, I'm just saying that a lot of the time you don't really make sense.
- The Doctor:Ah! Ah, you've noticed that, have you? Well, anybody can make sense.
- The Doctor: Adric, if I knew everything that was going to happen, where would the fun be?
- The Doctor: Traken Union, famous for its harmony. A whole empire held together by- by people being terribly nice to each other.
- Adric: Well, that makes a change.
- The Doctor: They say the atmosphere there was so full of goodness that evil just shrivelled up and died. Maybe that's why I never went there.
- The Doctor: What do you make of it?
- Adric: I don't know. But I do hope we know what we're doing.
- The Doctor: Yes, so do I. We?!
- Adric: You.
- The Doctor: What can't be cured must be endured.
- Adric: That's the silliest thing I ever heard.
- The Doctor: Oh don't listen to me. I never do.
- The Doctor: Oh by the way, by the way! Neeman, Neeman come here! You chaps might be interested in this as well. Listen. Do you know that expression, uh, two heads are better than one, hm? Well I think that one head is better than three!
- The Master: A new body, at last!
- The Doctor: I used to know an ancient remedy for mad dogs.I must look it up sometime.Good library here, have you?
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