Thursday 19 August 2010

Dr who fourth doctor quotes The Horns of Nimon

Romana II: Don't you think that's a bit dangerous?
The Doctor: No I don't. What could possibly go-
The Doctor: -wrong. You know, I've simply got to stop saying that! Every single time I say "What could possibly go wrong" something goes-
The Doctor: It's uncanny! Isn't it?
The Doctor: Have you noticed how people's intellectual curiosity begins to decline the moment they start waving guns about?
The Doctor: Why don't you give me the gun and then I can keep an eye on myself so I don't get up to any funny business.
The Doctor: Here, take this you might need it.
Romana II: No thank you. I've made my own.
The Doctor: Oh really? Really? You made this? Not bad, a bit basic though. Thank you! Now...
Romana II: Uh, Doctor?
The Doctor: Yes?
The Doctor:Oh, ha ha, so sorry.
The Doctor: Estimated time to impact?
K-9: Master?
The Doctor: How long have we got?
K-9: Estimated time to impact-
The Doctor: That's what I said!
K-9: 89.4 seconds.
The Doctor: 89.4 seconds? No dematerialisation, no defense shields and only half power on full drive. K-9, I think we're going to find out what it's like to be a cricket ball. Well, it's been a great, great partnership old girl.
K-9: Master.
The Doctor: Oh K-9, This is no time for emotional quibbling you two. You've been a good dog to me, K-9. The best I ever had!
K-9: Thank you Master. Time to impact now 58 seconds dead.
The Doctor: I wish you wouldn't say things like that, K-9.
The Doctor: You know K-9, sometimes I think I'm wasted just rushing about the universe saving planets from destruction. With a talent like mine I might have been a great slow bowler.
The Doctor: Did you know that someone is building a black hole on your doorstep?
Soldeed: What?
The Doctor: Yes. I got stuck in it along with one of your spacecraft.
Nimon: Later you will be questioned, tortured and killed.
The Doctor: Well I hope you get it in the right order.
Soldeed: You! You meddlesome hussy! Do not touch the sacrifices!
Romana II: It's all over, Soldeed, you're finished.
Soldeed: No! The Nimon will fulfill his great promise, the Nimon be praised!
Romana II: The Nimon be praised? How many Nimons have you seen today?
Soldeed: I have seen the Nimon.
Romana II: How many?
Soldeed: Skonnoth will-
Romana II: How many Nimons?
Soldeed: Threeeee! I have seen three!
Romana II: Well I've just seen a whole lot more rampaging down the corridor. Face it Soldeed, you're being invaded!
Soldeed: My dreams of conquest!! You have brought this calamity upon me!
Romana II: You've brought it on yourself!
Soldeed: You will die for your interference!
Romana II: Stop him!
Soldeed: You fool! You are all doomed!! Doomed!!
The Doctor: K-9, is there a wall in front of us?
K-9: Negative, Master.
The Doctor: Then off you go then.

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