Thursday, 31 March 2011
Congrats to David Tennant and Georgia Moffett

As i reported in January Here
So if the rumors are true or not what do you think please comment!
Dr who quotes cybermen The Pandorica Opens

Cyberman: You will be assimilated.
CyberLeader: All projections correlate. All evidence concurs. The Doctor will destroy the Universe.
CyberLeader: Seal the Pandorica.
Wednesday, 30 March 2011
Torchwood: Week Ten/Eleven Production

Monday 14th March
Back to the beach! The production returned to Venice Beach for further filming during the day, this time along Westminster Avenue; scenes involved John Barrowman, Mekhi Phifer and Alexa Havins, with action including Rex being taken away in the back of an ambulance.
Jeremy Burleson was visiting the beach that day and saw some of the activity, even ending up in the background for a shot!
14:56 At this movie shoot on Venice Beach!!!!!!!! Wow
14:57 Literally at a Movie shoot right now.
15:01 They bout to start filmin.
15:11 Mann!! We get to be In the Background of this movie..
15:16 Torch 1..
16:31 Naww its a Tv Show
17:16 haha naww it was some white actors.. We was in the background tho
21:21 I still can't believe we got to be in the Background of this TV show
they was filming in LA today.
Other filming-related tweets include:
14:11 CF Walking down Venice and ran into the #Torchwood team filming
a scene there! So random and cool :)
15:18 SBA I just went to get coffee on westminster in venicebeach venice beach
#losangeles and walking into the torchwood Scifi set filming today lol
16:55 BBC We're having our first spotting session for Episode #1 RIGHT NOW!
While the crew films at the beach. Here's to great Mondays.
17:09 AS Life's a beach.
Tuesday 15th March - Friday 18th March
Documentation reported that filming would be taking place at Angels Gate Park at San Pedro for the rest of the week, though little was to be heard of the crew whilst there, Kai Owen also indicated further work at Venice Beach on Wednesday, though of course he could just have visited as a tourist!
Jane Espenson revealed on Tuesday that Brad Bell, aka "Cheeks", would be guesting on the show; an artist who experiments in the world of music, art and the media, he has become a popular icon on the Internet. This will be one of his first television roles.
On Wednesday the BBC Production Office reported that Greg Nicotero was on board to build an alien for the show - the first indication that there is more to the mysterious 'immortality' that pervades the 'Miracle Day' than meets the eye!
Tweets over the next couple of days:
15 18:17 KO Beautiful LA evening off out for a burger and beers with @natiejay.
16 10:32 WK Finished Shooting Torchwood in L.A. and its a buuuuzzz. I feel this is my
best role since Nedry. Your in for a treat folks! watch this space
16 12:02 NS Working background on Torchwood today.
But we talk about Doctor Who, not Torchwood.
16 16:03 AF Torchwood tomorrow!
17 01:03 AF Ah, but you shall not see me for I be but a stand-in. :)
16 18:50 KO Been down Venice Beach today! Crazy place.
16 20:11 ST Crazy busy day Started on location two hours away
Raced back to WB for fitting with JB,new ep to break down, budget meetings
I <3 my job :-)
16 20:13 ST Late call tomorrow so I get to drive my kids to school. Bonus :-)
16 20:52 BBC Looks like tomorrow is the start of our late night shooting.
Team Torchwood, nocturnal entertainment like you've never seen before...
Back in Week Five, Shawna Trpcic posted this photo via Twitpic of a 'mystery man' posing alongside herself and John Barrowman. Filming on the day (11th February) had revolved around a bar, with the storyline reported of Jack picking up a barman for the evening. The man of mystery has now been revealed as actor Dillon Casey, who talked about his experiences with Torchwood and John Barrowman in his blogging video:
As reported above, night shoots were on the way, with schedules indicating long production days of 09:00-04:00 (17th) and 09:00-05:00 (18th), the final evening this week assuming its usual 'Fraturday' designation!
17 21:45 ST Moulin rouge inspiration
17 22:48 ST A visiting DP asked us to cover red soles of shoes huh...
Any one know why NOT!
17 23:25 JE Production meeting in the morning. So it's time to put what's left
of the pies back in the fridge and close my eyes. Z!
18 09:43 ST Concept meeting with @JaneEspenson and the dept heads
for episode 8. This show is amazing!!
18 12:01 AS Tree trimming outside my hotel room at 8am (on the morning
I get to sleep in) makes me not a very happy camper. Happy Friday!
After late nights, it's early calls for next week!
19 07:37 ST Monday call for 3 of my crew is 4:30am @ location 2 hours away
rest of us in at 6:42am we r shooting in rain possibly laced w/ radiation :-/
19 07:37 ST Love my job though. :-)
Monday 21st March
Monday saw filming return (according to schedules) to Angels Gate Park, with Brad Bell filming his first scene and rumours of Greg Nicotero's creation being on set too!
"Arriving at location. So pretty!" - Jane Espenson, via Twitpic
06:08 BB Long drive. Rain. Aliens.
06:28 JE Arriving at location. So pretty!
06:41 JE Luckily, California is not playing
the role of Wales today.
07:47 JE Rumors of more rain on the way.
But right now, #torchwood set is dry
and dramatic. And cheeky.
09:07 JE Torchwood shooting going so well.
Ep 5 hits hard.
10:06 JE Pouring rain can't dampen
our torchthusiasm!
10:39 AS Omfg... Seriously, miserable does not
begin to describe this.
11:08 BB The set is incredible! ...and drenched.
Shot my scene with @Mekhi_Phifer.
Awesomely nice dude.
Chatting w/ Alexa Havins.
Trying to stay dry.
11:13 BB You're gonna DIE for the new season!
It's unreal!
So excited for the fans & as a fan,
I'm quite excited to see it myself!
11:26 BB Already asked what I could share.
"The fans are gonna wanna know!"
Answer: Top Secret.
Gotta wait til summer...
13:06 ST Wow @JaneEspenson LOVE!! The rewrites on episode 7. Really really love it.
Wow. Powerful stuff!
13:12 JE Thank you much @Trpcic ! The last polish was the work of RTD,
and it put the frosting on it. I'm so proud of it!
Tuesday 22nd March
Tuesday was another quiet day, believed again to be the park; meanwhile, plans for the next photoshoot for Captain Jack were also unveiled ...
10:29 KO Just been for a run around the park. Great way to start the day.
16:43 BBC We can't say who yet but we're prepping for some serious publicity for
tomorrow's shoot. We're finally all back on the lot!
18:07 JE We are sharing the writing credit on episode ten.
It's still very much his baby-- he'll do all the final writing on it.
18:10 ST One crew working 5am to 5pm one crew working 3pm to 3am.
And a promo shoot with Captain Jack headed for a TV near you. Busy costume dept :-)
Wednesday 23rd March
Today it was reported that filming would be taking place at the Alexandria Hotel, though the famous iconic site may have been used for the Captain Jack promotional shoot mentioned on Tuesday.
Meanwhile, Jane Espenson further elaborated on Russell T Davies's importance to the show:
12:46 Torchwood does not require prepping with Doctor Who.
13:37 Jane Espenson: It's Russell's show. I'm just riding on top and enjoying the breeze!
14:14 Worry not. Original producers with hands firmly on wheel. Feels like same show.
And of course, todsy was when Starz unveiled the launch date for Miracle Day for the United States - 107 days and counting!
Thursday 24th - Friday 25th March
Production Meeting, BBC, via
Back to the backlot it seems, and at least Kai Owen sounded happy: "On set today with some fine WELSH talent."
Meanwhile, production meetings continued apace:
13:35 BBC Production meeting for Episode 7
happening upstairs! @JaneEspenson it
sounds fun up there what's happening??
13:54 JE @BBC_Torchwood it IS fun! Ironing out
all the production details
for eps 7 and 8.
14:16 BBC A look inside our production meeting!
#Torchwood. Going to set, will
report with more news soon.
Plenty of faces to recognise around that table!
Onto Friday, and two views from Torchwoodland, courtesy of Shawna Trpcic:
View outside torchwood offices misty California morning.
Photo: Shawna Trpcic, via Twitpic
Sunset near the Torchwood set.
Photo: Shawna Trpcic, via Twitpic
08:08 All TW offices are in "houses" that are used on lot as sets.
14:06 Wow running like wild today, 2 units costumes in every one.
Background as well as actors all new. My cutter/fitter is going crazy Sew sew sew
21:18 1st and 2nd units still shooting. Been here since 6:30 I'm starting to drag :-)
waiting to move on to next big scene to establish new looks
00:18 JB is awesome!!
00:21 Still going @Team_Barrowman just encouraged the crew got applause
And after a long night, Kai Owen sums up:
23:12 Good night/morning. X
Source - Doctor who news page
Dr who series 6 new trailer!!
At around 37 secs is either nine or tens Tardis
Tuesday, 29 March 2011
Torchwood: Miracle Day fast-tracked to Australia

TV Tonight blog reports Torchwood: Miracle Day will be fast-tracked to Australia on UKTV Australia in early July, immediately following its global premiere on Starz.
Jana Bennett, the new President for BBC Worldwide Networks and Global iPlayer, said:
Torchwood: Miracle Day is a courageous and exciting piece of drama which will resonate with audiences all over the world. I’m genuinely delighted that Torchwood will add to UKTV’s compelling selection of first-run drama in 2011.
Julie Dowding, Sales Director for BBC Worldwide Australia, added:
Torchwood: Miracle Day is set to be one of the most exciting dramas we’ve brought to Australia this year. UKTV audiences and Torchwood fans alike are in for a huge treat with this latest chapter from Captain Jack and the team.
Doctor Who Series 6 Premieres April 23 on SPACE

Doctor Who Masterpiece Collection Maxi Bust: 4th Doctor

We are proud to announce the latest item in our limited edition, high-quality Doctor Who Masterpiece Collection!
Source -Forbidden planet
Doctor Who: ‘Power Of The Heart’ – Story Titles 1 & 2
1.1 – ‘The Heart’ | - two-parter |
1.2 – ‘The Voyage To Nowhere’ | - four-parter |
1.3 – (TBC) | - (TBC) |
1.4 – (TBC) | - (TBC) |
> DWF – ‘Power Of The Heart’ fan fiction posts feed
What do you think? Are you going to read our stories? Does it sound interesting to you?
We’d love to hear what you think of it. Please comment.
Dr who quotes cybermen Army of Ghosts + Doomsday

Cyber Leader1: The Sphere is not ours... The Sphere broke down the barriers between worlds, we only followed. Its origin is unknown.
Cyber Leader1: This broadcast is for humankind. Cybermen now occupy every landmass on this planet; but you need not fear. Cybermen will remove fear. Cybermen will remove sex, and class, and colour, and creed. You will become identical. You will become like us.
Cyber Leader1: Scans detect unknown technology active within Sphere chamber. Cybermen will investigate! Units 10-65 and 10-66 will investigate Sphere chamber.
10-65 and 10-66: We obey.
Cyberman: Cybermen plus Daleks. Together, we could upgrade the universe.
Cyber Leader1: Daleks, be have declared war upon the Cybermen.
Dalek Sec: This is not war. This is pest control.
Cyber Leader1: Quarantine the Sphere Chamber. Start emergency upgrading. Begin with these personnel...Keep this one; his increased adrenaline suggests that he has vital Dalek information.
Cyber Leader1: You are proof.
The Doctor: Of what?
Cyber Leader1: That emotions destroy you.
Cyberman: Cyber Leader1 has been terminated. Download shared files. I will be upgraded to Cyber Leader.
Cybermen: Delete! Delete! Daleks will be deleted!
Cyber Leader2: Emergency! All units will converge on the Torchwood Tower. Repeat - all Cybermen to Torchwood!
Cyber Leader2: We will retreat through the Breach; reclaim the homeworld.
Cyber-Yvonne: You will not pass.
Cyber Leader2: What is the meaning of this?!
Cyber-Yvonne: You will not pass. I did my duty for Queen and country. I did my duty for Queen and country. I did my duty for Queen and country.
Monday, 28 March 2011
Dr who series 6 Neil Gaiman episode Title!

So what is it called? Hmm........
The Doctor's Wife!
Thanks to James for telling me :P visit his site Here
Dr who quotes cybermen The Age of Steel

CyberJackie: This man worked with Cybus Industries to create our species. He will be rewarded by force. Take them to Cyber Control.
Doctor: Where is the famous Mister Lumic? Don't we get the chance to meet our lord and master?
Cyberman: He has been upgraded.
Doctor: You mean he's just like you?
Cyberman: He is superior. The Lumic unit has been designated Cyber Controller.
Cyber Controller: This is the age of steel and I am its creator.
Cyber Controller: I have factories waiting on seven continents. If the EarPods have failed, then the Cybermen will take humanity by force. London has shall the world.
Cyber Controller: I will bring peace to the world. Everlasting peace. And unity. And uniformity.
Cyber Controller: I can set you free. Would you not want that? A life without pain?
Cyber Controller: WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?
The Doctor: I gave them back their souls! They can see what you've done, Lumic, AND IT'S KILLING THEM!
Cybermen: Delete! Delete! Delete!
Single White Who Fan by Jackie Jenkins

Doctor Who Magazine's flirty female diarist is back! Jackie Jenkins: cool, sexy and a little bit naughty. Jackie is a girl who views the world through TARDIS-shaped windows. She loves Doctor Who. She's sassy and holds down a busy PR job, but her real thoughts swim with string-vested sea monsters and silly ideas about who her antiquated Tom Baker doll really looks like (she's long plumped for Starsky and Hutch's Paul Michael Glaser but recently spotted flashes of Michael Sheen). To Jackie, colours come in 'Police Box Blue' or 'Time Warrior Green', a reference to the gorgeous shade of Pertwee's velvet jacket. She loves parties, vodka and belting out Bonnie Tyler numbers. She's never settled the question - Which is better - Inferno or Ambassadors of Death?” or why the only man she's ever fallen for seems to have all the dark-hearted qualities of the Doctor's own arch enemy The Master.
Colin Baker: Gallimaufry Short Story Collection

Colin Baker is a prolific writer. Here, for the first time, is a collection of his short stories which deal in subjects as diverse as murder, mystery, true love, ingenuity, despair and farcical misunderstandings, with a hint of horror here and there as well as some insight into the minds of some unusual people. If you like your stories with a twist there are some surprises and shocks to be found.
Blue Box Boy Audio Book

Matthew Waterhouse has carefully abridged his popular and best-selling Doctor Who memoir, and added some new material that isn't in the book. Read by Matthew himself, of course!
2 CD set. Running time approx 140 minutes
More about it Here
Sunday, 27 March 2011
Dr who series 6 Mrs Doctor?
A poster on Gallifreybase quite insistent that Suranne Jones’ character Idris who appears in the Neil Gaiman penned Fourth Episode is The Doctor’s wife.
he poster has a fairly impressive record having hinted at the “Master Race” ending of The End of Time, Part One and revealing that Russell T. Davies would pen and episode of The Sarah Jane Adventures featuring Jo Grant and Matt Smith’s Doctor.
Gaiman and Moffat were teasing the episode on twitter:
@steven_moffat: Ohh, just watched your one again! It’s really good, isn’t it? And look who it is! LOOK WHO IT IS!!!
@neilhimself: each time I watch it I’m more impressed with Matt and Suranne, & less able to believe that you let me get away with it.
Source - Doctor who spoilers
Last weeks reviews
112 – The Hall of Dolls (The Celestial Toymaker Part 2)
"Frontier in Space" - Episode Three
TDP 167: Space and Time (for Red Nose Day 2011)
The Nowhere Place written and directed by Nicholas Briggs
Serial 114: The Keeper of Traken
Episode 12 - The Oncoming Storm
114 – The Final Test (The Celestial Toymaker Part 4)
'Doctor Who': A Christmas Carol soundtrack CD review
"Frontier in Space" - Episode Five
Doctor Who complete reviews: Delta And The Bannermen
Doctor Who: 6 Years Ultimate Anniversary Trailer
6 Years ago yesterday New series Dr who! was 6 years old so Here is a tribute
This was not made by me view who made it Channel Here
Dr who quotes cybermen Rise of the Cybermen

John Lumic: Can it hear me?
Doctor Kendrick: I don't know sir, it still might be in shock, the brain has been welded to the exo-skeleton.
John Lumic: Skin of metal and a body that will never age or die: I envy it! Do you know me? Answer, do... you... know... me?
Cyberman Prototype: You are John Lumic.
Cyberman: We have been upgraded.
The Doctor: Into what?
Cyberman: The next level of mankind. We are human-point-2. Every citizen will receive a free upgrade. You will become like us.
The President: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for what's been done to you. But listen! This experiment... ends tonight!
Cyberman: Upgrading is compulsory.
The President: And if I refuse?
The Doctor: Don't.
The President: What happens if I refuse?
The Doctor: I'm telling you, don't!
The President: What happens if I refuse?
Cyberman: Then you are not compatible.
The President: What happens then?
Cyberman: You will be deleted.
Cyberman: You are rogue elements.
Doctor: But we surrender!
Cyberman: You are incompatible.
Doctor: But this is a surrender!
Cyberman: You will be deleted.
Doctor: But we're surrendering - listen to me, we surrender!!!
Cyberman: You are inferior. Man will be reborn as Cyberman, but you will perish under maximum deletion. Delete! Delete! Delete! Delete!!
Saturday, 26 March 2011
Doctor Who A Christmas Carol Original Soundtrack CD

Doctor Who on Christmas Day has now become part of the yuletide tradition in the UK almost rivalling the seasonal greats such as Morecambe & Wise, The Queen's Speech and EastEnders.
Bits and bobs big update Dr who, action figures, podcasts, Colin baker and more!!
"Genesis" and "Destiny" Doctor Who Action Figure Collector Sets
Fans flock as Colin Baker opens Doctor Who exhibition in Cambridge
Classic Doctor Who Recoloured Screenshots - "The Invasion"
Radio Free Skaro #246 – Phantom Of The Optera
The Doctor In The TARDIS Podcast #1
Our Third Episode...and the Grand Reveal of our April Selection!
Episode 18 – The Ever-Changing Musical Worlds of Peter Howell – Peter Howell Interview Part I
Colin Baker: "This is why actors call you ‘Darling’"
Doctor Who Revisitations 2 - sleeves and full details
Time is up for Doctor Who exhibition
Doctor Who: Podshock - Episode 240 - Live From Gallifrey One's Catch 22: Islands of Mystery
Dr who quotes cybermen Silver Nemesis

CyberLeader: Destroy them, destroy them!
CyberLieutenant: We cannot succeed, Leader. We must be gone.
CyberLeader: No. Let them take the statue and the arrows with them.
CyberLieutenant: The Cyber-race will cease to exist.
CyberLeader: Your logic is correct. Their supply of gold is limited. Retreat!
Dr who - another cast member

Nina Toussaint-White’s Spotlight CV reveals that she will be playing Mels in an episode directed by Richard Senior, which is almost certainly either Episode Eight or the series finale, Episode Thirteen.
Source - Doctor who spoilers
First Dr who promotional image for Series 6!

The first Promotional image for series 6 has been revealed (as you can see)
it can be also downloaded from the BBC Dr who site Here!
Friday, 25 March 2011
Doctor Who The Prequel to Series 6 Episode 1 The Impossible Astronaut (for people outside the uk)
Thanks to pcj for uploading it to youtube
John Barrowman and Bill Pullman to launch - Torchwood: Miracle Day at MIPTV 2011

John Barrowman and Bill Pullman will be heading to Cannes to promote the new series of hit sci-fi drama Torchwood at MIPTV 2011.
The fourth instalment, titled Torchwood: Miracle Day, is distributed by BBC Worldwide, and will be launched to buyers on Monday 4th April with the two stars attending the event alongside executive producer Julie Gardner.
Barrowman returns to lead the cast in his iconic role as Captain Jack Harkness, and is joined in the new series by film star Pullman, whose credits include Independence Day, While You Were Sleeping and Lost Highway.
Julie Gardner, Senior Vice President, Scripted, BBC Worldwide Productions, has worked on all four series of Torchwood, and her other credits include Life on Mars, Doctor Who and Casanova.
Her producing partner is Torchwood creator Russell T. Davies, who has scripted Miracle Day with an A-list team of writers including John Shiban (Breaking Bad, The X-Files), Doris Egan (House) and Jane Espenson (Game of Thrones, Battlestar Galactica, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer).
Torchwood: Miracle Day is produced by BBC Worldwide Productions for Starz Entertainment, BBC Cymru Wales and BBC Worldwide.
Featuring locations in the US and around the world, the plot sees a C.I.A operative (played by ER’s Mekhi Phifer) join forces with the team to investigate a global conspiracy that has put an end to human death, causing a population boom and resource crisis.
Pullman plays Oswald Danes, a convicted child killer who survives his own execution, and Eve Myles reprises her role as Gwen Cooper.
Steve Macallister, Managing Director of BBC Worldwide Sales & Distribution, commented, "We’re thrilled to have John Barrowman and Bill Pullman with us at MIPTV.
The fact that Torchwood: Miracle Day is able to attract such a high-calibre, international cast reflects the quality of the production – so it’s sure to prove popular with buyers again, along with the rest of our exciting drama slate."
In addition to Torchwood: Miracle Day, BBC Worldwide will also be presenting popular returning series Doctor Who (S6), the critically-acclaimed Luther (S2), series three of Being Erica, Primeval (S4 &5), and the second series of the BAFTA winning Misfits.
New dramas on this year’s MIPTV slate include ratings hit Upstairs Downstairs, which has already been re-commissioned for an extended second series; South Riding, starring David Morrissey and Anna Maxwell Martin; an adaptation of Sarah Waters’ best-selling novel, The Night Watch; star-studded sci-fi series Outcasts; and the Will Young-starring supernatural thriller Bedlam.
Source BBC press office
Dr who quotes cybermen Attack of the Cybermen

CyberLeader: Destroy her, DESTROY HER AT ONCE!
Peri: No, no, NO!
The Doctor: Wait! Let's discuss this shall we?
Peri: [stuttering] I agree.
CyberLeader: There is nothing to discuss.
The Doctor: If you want my co-operation, she must live!
CyberLeader: You cannot bargain, Doctor. It would be unfortunate if you were to be killed but we still would have your TARDIS.
[The Doctor runs over to the TARDIS console and punches a sequence into one of the keypads]
The Doctor: Not anymore, you don't. In precisely 20 seconds you and it will cease to exist.
CyberLeader: Release the woman.
The Doctor: How do I know that you won't cheat and change your mind?
CyberLeader: You have my word.
The Doctor: I'm not sure that's enough.
CyberLeader: Also, that of the CyberController.
The Doctor: But he was destroyed...
CyberLeader: No, merely damaged.
The Doctor: Where is he now?
CyberLeader: On our home planet, Telos.
The Doctor: I see.
Peri: Doctor!
CyberLeader: Correct, we can now time-travel. Set the co-ordinates for Telos!
CyberLeader: How did you know where to find us?
Lytton: You have a ship hidden on the dark side of the Moon, I tracked your transmissions.
CyberLeader: Inform Moon-base our signals are being detected, they must increase the distortion.
Lytton: You are quite safe, Earth authorities can't pick up your signals, it's beyond their technology.
Cyberman: You were capable?
Lytton: I am not from Earth.
CyberLeader: So you have said.
Cyberman: Where do you come from?
Lytton: Veta 15 in the star-system 690.
CyberLeader: What is the name of your satellite?
Lytton: Rifton 5.
Cyberman: Controller, our instruments register an irregular transmission from the TARDIS.
CyberController: Inform the CyberLeader, on-board it will be The Doctor attempting to inform the Time Lords of his destination.
Cyberman: The Time Lords will attempt to stop us.
CyberController: Whatever in their wisdom, they will be too late! Telos will have been destroyed and we shall have The Doctor's TARDIS
More evidence of Doctor Who Weekend?

stage and film actor Jeff Mash spotlight CV has been updated to include a credit for the second episode of the series, Day of the Moon which sees him appearing as Grant.
"Appearing in Doctor Who: Series 6, Episode 2, premiering April 24th on BBC One."
Dr who - Gallifreyan Regeneration cube?

The girl didn’t know anything about it at all, but it’s important. She said it’ll be out at just before Christmas, so it’s certainly from the second half of the season. It’s a large, clear cube, big enough to fit a figure inside (so we can assume it’s big enough for a real person in the show). There are markings on the side of the cube’s walls, including a seal of Rassillon.
What do you think please comment!
Thursday, 24 March 2011
Dr who quotes cybermen Earthshock

The Doctor: When did you last have the pleasure of smelling a flower, watching a sunset, eating a well prepared meal?!
Cyberleader: These things are irrelevant.
The Doctor: For some people, small beautiful things is what life is all about!
CyberLeader: You have affection for this woman?
The Doctor: She's a friend.
CyberLeader: Do you consider emotion as a disadvantage?
The Doctor: They have their uses.
CyberLeader: Kill her.
The Doctor: NO!!!
CyberLeader: Such a reaction is not a disadvantage?
The Doctor: No.
CyberLeader: There is still resistance.
Cyberman: According to the Earthling, there were only ten crew members. They have all been accounted for.
CyberLeader: Then he has lied, order the activation of re-enforcements
Hugh Bonneville talks Dr Who on "The One Show"
Source - Blogtor who
Wednesday, 23 March 2011
Doctor who Prequel News and Teaser Premieres!
Dr who returns next month with The Impossible Astronaut, the first episode of a jaw-dropping two-part adventure. But you don't need to wait that long to see the world premiere of the Prequel for the new series.
You can watch it on friday on BBC Doctor who site
Thanks to Pcj for the heads up!
Dr who quotes cybermen Revenge of the Cybermen

Cyber Lieutenant: Computer reports heavy phobic energy discharge between the beacon and Voga.
CyberLeader: That means the humans have recently used their transmat beam?
Cyber Lieutenant: Yes.
CyberLeader: Time to docking?
Cyber Lieutenant: Sixteen minutes.
CyberLeader: Order the boarding party to the board hatch.
CyberLeader: The heart of Voga is almost pure gold, gold is hostile to our function.
CyberLeader: Locate and destroy all animal organisims!
Kelman: Have you killed them?
CyberLeader: Of course not, we have neutralised them. They are necessary to our plan
CyberLeader: Once our landing is detected, the Vogons will attack in force.
Kelman: They only have light arnaments, nothing that can affect your Cybermen.
CyberLeader: This is the main shaft?
Kelman: Yes, this is the shaft that I explored for you. It runs right to the core of Voga.
CyberLeader: How far from the shaft entrance is the transmat receptor area?
Kelman: Just a matter of yards, I set the receptors as close as possible.
CyberLeader: Excellent Kelman, you have done well.
CyberLeader: The Humans will carry the explosives into the shaft.
The Doctor: What's your cut Kelman? Voga's gold?
CyberLeader: There will be no gold! Voga is to be utterly destroyed, and this time we will not fail!
The Doctor: Oh really?
CyberLeader: And you, Doctor, and your two friends will help us in this task. That is why your lives have been spared.
The Doctor: What great rewards have you rewarded Kelman?
CyberLeader: The matter is of no interest to you.
The Doctor: Everything is of interest to me, and Cybermen possess nothing that a human might want.;
CyberLeader: You are incorrect.
The Doctor: What is it? You've no home planet, no influence, nothing! You're just a pathetic bunch of tin soldiers skulking around the galaxy in an ancient spaceship!
CyberLeader: You speak unwisely. We are destined to be rulers of all the Cosmos!
The Doctor: Oh, I don't think so somehow. You tried that once and you were nearly wiped out.
Cyberman: All resistance overcome.
CyberLeader: The beacon is ours!
Gallifrey Series 4 CD Box Set

The President of the High Council wants Romana dead. The Temporal Intervention Agency has been dispatched to hunt her down. Its mission: to eliminate her from the timelines for ever. It would be as though she had never existed…
Only an old friend can offer Romana any hope of survival. An acquaintance she and Leela once shared. One they haven’t seen in years.
But time is running out. Death is fast approaching. And this time, not everyone can survive… with or without the Doctor.
Tuesday, 22 March 2011
Dr who quotes cybermen The Invasion

Scientist: Yes, sir.
Vaughn: Hold it right there. Now, Gregory, connect the Professor's machine.
Gregory: But, sir, it...
Vaughn: Connect it!
Gregory: What emotion shall I enduce, sir?
Vaughn: Fear, let's see how the cybermen will react to fear.
Vaughn: More power!
Gregory: That's all there is!
Packer: It could have killed us!
Vaughn: At least we have proven that the professor's machine is useful, but get him to work on it because I want directional control and TWICE AS MUCH POWER!
Packer: It's following the others into the sewer, we can't let it do that!
Vaughn: Why not?
Packer: It will kill anything that gets in it's way!
Vaughn: Good! Anyone foolish enough to be down in those sewers deserves to die!
Minister of Chance

A new audio drama featuring the vocal talents of two former Doctors has just been released.
The Minister of Chance is described as a new form of entertainment, a radiophonic drama, made using a combination of film and radio techniques and delivered by podcast.
The series, which has won rave reviews from industry insiders, boasts an impressive cast with the Seventh Doctor, Sylvester McCoy playing The Witch Prime and the Eighth Doctor, Paul McGann playing Durian.
Julian Wadham of The English Patient and The Madness of King George, plays The Minister, Jenny Agutter plays Professor Cantha and Paul Darrow plays Lord Rathen. The cast also features Gethin Anthony, Lauren Crace, Stuart Fox, Peter Guinness, Lloyd Hutchinson, Mark Lewis and Jay Taylor.
The character of the Minister of Chance first appeared in Death Comes to Time, a BBC Doctor Who webcast first broadcast on the BBCi Cult website in the summer of 2001, where the character was played by Stephen Fry.
Source - Dr who news page
Doctor Who returns to Ztélé from April 6

French speaking Canadians will get a chance to catch up with the last days of the tenth Doctor and the first series of the Eleventh, when Doctor Who returns to Ztélé this spring.
The series kicks off with 2008 Christmas special, The Next Doctor, on Wednesday 6th April at 9pm ET. The rest of the specials will follow in subsequent weeks leading into Matt Smith's first series starting on May 4th.
Doctor Who T-Shirt: 7th Doctor Costume (Forbidden Planet Exclusive)

The whimsical 7th Doctor's wonderful waistcoat can be yours with this amazing printed tee!
Source - Forbidden planet
Doctor Who T-Shirt: 6th Doctor Costume (Forbidden Planet Exclusive)

Step out in style with the 6th Doctor's patchwork coat, cat pin and iconic question mark lapels!
Source - forbidden planet
Doctor Who Action Figure Collectors Set: Genesis Of The Daleks

The Time Lords send the Doctor and his companions to the planet Skaro at a point early in its history to stop the development of the Daleks so that they become less of a threat to the Universe.
Source - Forbidden planet
Monday, 21 March 2011
Doctor Who Masterpiece Collection Maxi Bust: 10th Doctor

We are proud to announce the next item in our limited edition, high-quality Doctor Who Masterpiece Collection!
Dr who series 6 update

Seroca Davis and Holli Dempsey have recently completed filming in the roles of Shona and Kelly respectively. An anonymous source confirms that Seroca and Holli were filming on location at Howell’s Store for Episode Twelve along with Lucas Elliot Morris and William Morris who are both playing Alfie, the baby that Craig is carrying around with him during the episode.
Source - Doctor who spoilers
Also Michael Sheen is to do a voice over for the Neil Gaiman episode
more about that Here
Dr who quotes cybermen The Wheel in Space

The Doctor: I suppose you've come for me?
Cyberman 1: You know our ways.
The Doctor: Yes, I hoped you realised somebody did. I imagine you have orders to destroy me?
Cyberman 1: Yes.
The Doctor: Tell me one thing, why did you order Duggan to destroy radio communication with the Earth? After all, that is why you want posession of the wheel, isn't it?
Cyberman 1: You know our ways.
The Doctor: That doesn't answer my question.
Cyberman 2: He was instructed to destroy only the transmitting complex.
The Doctor: Oh, I see, how interesting, yes, of course. And presumably your large space-ship holds your invasion fleet, and the smaller ships can only enter the planet's atmosphere by homing on a radio beam.
Cyberman 1: You know our ways. You must be destroyed.
The Doctor: Yes, I was afraid you'd get back to that.
Doctor Who T-Shirt: Cyberman Delete (released today)
BBC sued over Who first drew the evil Dalek mastermind Davros

Davros, the evil leader of the Daleks and one of Doctor Who’s most formidable opponents, has endured his fair share of intergalactic struggles.
But now the mutant megalomaniac is at the centre of a very different kind of battle here on Earth.
A lifelong Doctor Who fan claims he dreamt up the character when he was just 13, and is suing the BBC for breach of copyright.
Court action: Steven Clark with the magazine which ran the drawing competition he entered as a teenager
Steven Clark, 51, says he invented Davros for a competition run by the now defunct TV Action magazine in 1972. Entrants were asked to create a comic-strip villain, and Mr Clark claims he invented the name Davros and sent in a drawing of the character along with a handwritten essay called The Genesis Of The Daleks: The Creation Of Davros.
His drawing – a pencil sketch coloured in with felt pens – showed a ‘half-man half-Dalek’ with an additional eye in the centre of his forehead, a headset, epaulettes, a withered left hand and finger-like switchgear on the Dalek base.
Father-of-three Mr Clark, from Ashford, Kent, has now launched High Court proceedings to try to prove the BBC and its commercial arm BBC Worldwide have been using the character without his permission for nearly four decades.
Source - dailymail
Sunday, 20 March 2011
Last weeks reviews
“The Earth was burning. Our sun had turned on us, and every other nation had fled to the skies.”
The Doctor’s Companion Ep. 43 – Platoon of Judoon on the Moon
"Carnival of Monsters" - Episode Two
"Carnival of Monsters" - Episode Three
109 – The Return (The Ark Part 3)
"Carnival of Monsters" - Episode Four
The Keys of Marinus (or The Doctor Becomes Perry Mason and Barbara Nearly Gets Raped)
110 – The Bomb (The Ark Part 4)
"Frontier in Space" - Episode One
Dr who quotes cybermen Tomb of the Cybermen

The Cyber Controller: We will survive.
The Cyber Controller: You belong to us. You shall be like us.
The Professor: How did you know we would release you? You could have remained frozen forever.
The Cyber Controller: The humanoid mind. You are inquisitive.
The Doctor: Ah, I see. A trap. A very special sort of trap too.
The Professor: What do you mean special trap?
The Doctor: They wanted superior intellects. Thats why they made the trap so complicated!
The Cyber Controller: We knew that somebody like you would come to our planet someday.
The Doctor: Yes. We've done exactly as you calculated, haven't we?
The Cyber Controller: Now you belong to us.
Saturday, 19 March 2011
Bits and bobs big update Dr who, Dalek Handbook, Georgia Moffett,Bakers,Where's the Tardis?,official Annual 2012,Christopher and his kind and more!!
Radio Free Skaro #245 – The Howell Around Effect
Docteur Who: Saison 5 finale ratings
Doctor Who: The Dalek Handbook
Georgia Moffett in "White Van Man"
The Best of BBC America's Doctor Who ''Where's the TARDIS?'' Competition
'Doctor Who' fans, robots battle at sci-fi convention
Eagle Awards Nominations Announced - DWM
Doctor Who Official Annual 2012
Christopher & His Kind - promo pics
McCoy & McGann team up for new audio
Matt Smith talks Isherwood to the Radio Times
Doctor Who: "I Am The Doctor" - Ultimate Medley
Steven Moffat and Sarah Jane win out at RTS Awards
Barrowman announces new UK Tour
The Eleventh Doctor Faces Jack the Ripper in Doctor Who ''Ripper's Curse''
A 'Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart' Whosday
The Curse of Fatal Death, Part Two.
PIC: Sylvester McCoy playing The Doctor last week
Colin Baker: "How about making us all PIMBIES?"
Freema Agyeman on "The Alan Titchmarsh Show"
Doctor Who Series 5 Transcript– Vincent and the Doctor
The 20mb Doctor Who Podcast #47
2MTL 197: Where'd the Human Heroes Go?
March Podcast 003 - 18 March 2011
Graham Norton - Matt Smith interview
BBC Breakfast - Matt Smith Discusses Christopher and His Kind [18/03/11]
No plans to leave Dr who!

It was reported that he was to leave after the up coming series he revealed in an interview with The Daily Telegraphy the star has insisted that he doesn’t want to ‘give it up anytime soon.’
“I’m going back this year,” he said. “I guess [I'll] get another one out the way, see what everyone thinks of that. I love doing it, I don’t want to give it up anytime soon, put it that way.”
Source - primetime.unrealitytv
Dr who quotes Daleks Planet of the Daleks

Head of the Supreme Dalek Council: Report! Aliens still apprimmitive! All Dalek units are to be signed through the capture immediatley. Take charge of all controls. Report on invisibility experiments.
Dalek: Daleks can now achieve total invisibility in periods in exess of two work cycles.
Dalek Supreme: Satisfactory. The Supreme council has ordered our army to be activated immediatley. The invasion of all solar planets is to begin today!
Head of the Supreme Dalek Coucil: Order space transporters to assemble and await landing orders.
Dalek: I obey.
Head of the Supreme Dalek Council: The action of the aliens has caused considerable disruption of operations on this planet.
Dalek: This was a matter beyond my control.
Head of the Supreme Dalek Council: Your orders were to exterminate them!
Dalek: It has not been possible. We have been unable to use the bacteria bombs.
Head of the Supreme Dalek Council: The responsibility was yours! You have failed! The Supreme Council does not accept failure!