Sunday 27 June 2010

Dr who the big bang notes

I tried doing these last night but blogger froze on me

1. It starts of with the trailer from last week

2. 1894 years later

3. We see Amelia as a little girl (the scene from the eleventh hour but a little bit different)

4. Amelia and her aunt go the museum and Amelia finds the pandorica she sticks around until night time and the pandorica opens to reveal Amy

5. titles

6. 1894 years previously

7. we go to the clip bit

8. the doctor shows up and tells Rory to put Amy in the pandorica and the sonic screwdriver in Amy's pocket

9. Rory opens the pandorica and lets the doctor out

10. They see that all the monster have turn to stone or rather deleted

11. The doctor sees that Amy is dead

12. Rory punches the doctor

13. they put Amy in the pandorica and the doctor puts a messages in Amy's head

14. the doctor finds the vortex manipulator

15. the doctor goes to find Amy in the future while Rory stays behind and protects the pandorica

16. back with Amy and Amelia a dalek shows up and tries to exterminate then but the doctor shows up and Rory shows up and shoots the dalek

17. Rory and Amy kiss

18. the doctor gets the sonic out of Amy's pocket

19. the doctors future version of himself shows up and falls down the stairs burnt

20. they go to the roof

21. the doctor saves river

22. the doctor gets exterminated by the dalek

23. Rory and Amy go to find the doctors body from 12 minutes ago

24. they find the doctor in the pandorica

25. the doctor and Amy talk

26. Amy doesn't remember how she lost her mum and dad

27. the doctor flies the pandorica into the heart of the explosion

28. the doctor goes back on his time line

29. he lands in the tardis and sees himself and Amy

30. the doctor goes back to the night Amelia waited and finds her outside he then puts her in bed

31. something old something new something borrowed

32. the doctor goes into the crack in Amy's wall

33. Amelia wakes up

34. Amy wakes up on her wedding day and finds her mum and dad

35. Rory's human again

36. Amy's wedding happens

37. Amy sees river outside the window

38. Amy cries

39. river left the blue book but its blank

40. Amy starts remembering

51. theirs someone missing someone important

52. the raggedy doctor

53. the tardis comes

54. the doctor meets Amy's dad

55. the doctor dances

56. the doctor goes to the tardis and river is their

57. river tells the doctor the next time they meet is when everything changers

58. the doctor goes in the tardis Amy and Rory follow

59. the tardis phone rings

60. Amy waves goodbye to everyone or rather shouts

61. they go off to their next adventure

62. no trailer

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