The Doctor: Then they got married, so I dropped them off on a honeymoon planet, which isn't what you'd think. It's not a planet for a honeymoon, it's a planet on a honeymoon. It married an asteroid.
Jo: I've waited my whole silly life.
The Doctor: Oh, but you're an idiot.
Jo: Well, there we have it.
The Doctor: No, but don't you see? How could I ever find you? You've spent the past 40 years living in huts, climbing up trees, tearing down barricades. You've done everything from flying kites on Kilimanjaro to sailing down the yangtze in a tea-chest. Not even the TARDIS could pin you down!
Jo: Hold on. I did sail down the Yangtze in a tea-chest! How did you know?
The Doctor: And that family! All 7 kids, 12 grandchildren, 13th on his way. He's dyslexic but that'll be fine, great swimmer.
Jo: So you've been watching me? All this time?
The Doctor: No. Because you're right. I don't look back. I can't. But the last time I was dying I looked back on all of you. Every single one. And I was so proud.
The Doctor: Listen to me, both of you I want you to remember.
Jo: We are doing, that's the trouble.
The Doctor: No no no no no no no. I want you to remember everything. Every single day with me. Every single second.
Tia: What's he doing?
The Doctor: Because your memories are more powerful than anything else on this planet. Just think of it Sarah. Remember it Jo. But properly. Properly. Give the memory weave everything. Every planet. Every face. Every mad man. Every loss. Every sunset. Every scent. Every terror. Every joy. Every Doctor. Every me.
Sarah Jane: I remember!
Tia: No!
Jo: I remember!
The Doctor: What do you mean, the Mona Lisa?
The Doctor: The coffin was the trap. The coffin was the solution. That's so neat I could write a thesis.
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