Source - forbidden planet
A very different Whoniverse: Daleks, Droids and drama on a Doctor Who tour of Cardiff
Interview: Karen Gillan, Doctor Who actor
Episode 20 – Series 1, Part II – The Unearthly Norman Kay – A Composer at the Beginning
Alex Kingston Didn't Expect Ongoing Who Role
Christopher Eccleston in "The Shadow Line"
Doctor Who "The Impossible Astronaut" Shatters BBC America Records
BAFTA nomination for Matt Smith
2MTL 203: In Defense of BBC America
Get a sneak peek at BBC America's all new original special DOCTOR WHO IN AMERICA -- and go behind-the-scenes as Doctor Who comes and shoots in the U.S., for the first time ever! Featuring exclusive interviews with stars Matt Smith and Karen Gillan plus Executive Producer/Lead Writer Steven Moffat.
20 If you liked part one, we don’t think you’ll be disappointed in part two – it’s pacier, creepier and just as full of “Huh?!” moments, though maybe it’s not quite as witty, and doesn’t have the shock of the new. But there’s still an awful lot of information to take in. Then again, that also means you’re still picking up on clever little moments the third, fourth and fifth time you watch it.
The valiant Doctor is being hunted by none other than the Drashigs! Classic clip from the 1973 four-part story 'The Carnival of Monsters' starring Jon Pertwee as the Doctor.
The valiant Doctor is being hunted by none other than the Drashigs! Classic clip from the 1973 four-part story 'The Carnival of Monsters' starring Jon Pertwee as the Doctor.
Will the beloved Doctor escape the clutches of the dreaded Drashigs? Classic clip from the 1973 four-part story 'The Carnival of Monsters' starring Jon Pertwee as the Doctor
The BBC Doctor who site has now released a Trailer for The Prequel to Episode 3 of The Curse of the Black Spot and will be on the Dr who website strait after Dr who Day of the moon has aired.
The BBC press office have released the synopsis for The Doctor's wife the episode is due to be aired on 14th of may but this could change.
The Doctor receives a distress signal from an old friend. Could there really be another living Time Lord out there? Hopes raised, he follows the signal to a junkyard planet sitting upon a mysterious asteroid in a Bubble universe, populated by a very strange family, as the time-travelling drama continues.
The Doctor, Amy and Rory are given the warmest of welcomes by Auntie, Uncle and Nephew. But the beautiful and insane Idris greets them in a more unusual fashion – what is she trying to tell the Doctor? As the Doctor investigates, he unwittingly puts his friends in the gravest danger.
The Doctor is played by Matt Smith, Amy by Karen Gillan, Rory by Arthur Darvill and Idris by Suranne Jones.
Will the beloved Doctor escape the clutches of the dreaded Drashigs? Classic clip from the 1973 four-part story 'The Carnival of Monsters' starring Jon Pertwee as the Doctor
Doctor Who T Shirts: Telos Cybertombs
"This shirt provides an excellent souvenir of your visit to Telos, home of the frozen tombs of the Cybermen."
T Shirts Doctor Who: Classic Cybermen St.Pauls
"London is under threat from The Cybermen invasion!"
Doctor Who T Shirts: Dalek Hammersmith Bridge
You can get them from Forbidden planet
the Telos Cybertombs one is Here released may 29th
Classic Cybermen St.Pauls is Here released may 27th
and Dalek Hammersmith Bridge is Here released may 27th
And over on the twitter side of filming tweets from billy sastard and Mugim0e tweeted about the events from filming
Mugim0e: River is wearing camo gear
Mugim0e: Amy and River talking and drinking wine
billy_sastard: River (laughing); "…of course i know him, I’m his [spoiler]"
Another poster on GallifreyBase says that.....
In episode 13, we see a version of River from series five. Specifically, wearing the clothes from the end of Flesh and Stone. Amy greets her, and asks how she is. River says she's just climbed out of the Byzantium. "It was so much fun, wasn't it mother?" (paraphrased, not the actual line), she remarks. River says what's rule one with the Doctor; he lies. River says she does to, how its been so hard seeing Amy, Rory and the Doctor, and knowing who she really is (Amy's daughter) but not being able to say. Curiously, she also says she recognised the space man in 1969 but had to stay quiet.
More of this can be read Here
10. The final scene contains an absolutely shocking twist.
These are from digitalspy
This July, Starz in the U.S. and BBC One in the U.K. will premiere Torchwood: Miracle Day, season four of the sci-fi franchise created by Russell T Davies. A spin-off of Davies' 2005 Doctor Who relaunch, the show stars John Barrowman as Captain Jack Harkness, the leader of an organization that investigates extraterrestrial activity. Joining the cast for the new iteration is feature-film star Bill Pullman, known for hits like Independence Day, as villain Oswald Danes.
This was Done by Babelcolour He has done loads of youtube videos Go Here to view his channel and vids
Ok i know this has been on since last week along with the new look and i've been meaning to add it to the archive but kept forgetting
Doctor who has again been nominated in Hugo awards for best Drama Presentation. It sees A christmas carol and pandorica opens along with other episodes up agaisnt The Lost Thing by Shaun Tan and **** Me, Ray Bradbury by Rachel Bloom.
You can Read More about it Here
Day of the moon radio trailer taken from blogtorwho (stetstor who - for now) ;) the trailer is currently airing on the radio
See it Here
“We’ve got reason to believe there is a great evil at work somewhere in this school.”
The Quantum Archangel, by Craig Hinton (BBC novel)
Wirrn Dawn written and directed by Nicholas Briggs
The Beast of Orlok written and directed by Barnaby Edwards
The Doctor’s Companion Ep. 48 – Gooey Master
scoffed at the gameshows when Bad Wolf was broadcast
The Eight Truths written by Eddie Robson and directed by Nicholas Briggs
This aired on CBBC strait after Dr who
You'll be all set to join the 11th Doctor and the TARDIS team on their latest adventure with this printed canvas folder bag.
Source - Forbidden planet