And over on the twitter side of filming tweets from billy sastard and Mugim0e tweeted about the events from filming
Mugim0e: River is wearing camo gear
Mugim0e: Amy and River talking and drinking wine
billy_sastard: River (laughing); "…of course i know him, I’m his [spoiler]"
Another poster on GallifreyBase says that.....
In episode 13, we see a version of River from series five. Specifically, wearing the clothes from the end of Flesh and Stone. Amy greets her, and asks how she is. River says she's just climbed out of the Byzantium. "It was so much fun, wasn't it mother?" (paraphrased, not the actual line), she remarks. River says what's rule one with the Doctor; he lies. River says she does to, how its been so hard seeing Amy, Rory and the Doctor, and knowing who she really is (Amy's daughter) but not being able to say. Curiously, she also says she recognised the space man in 1969 but had to stay quiet.
More of this can be read Here
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