The Doctor: Ahhh... a noble brow. Clear gaze. At least it will be given a few hours sleep. A firm mouth. A face beaming with a vast intelligence. My dear child what on Earth are you complaining about? It's the most extraordinary improvement.
Peri: Improvement?! On what?!
The Doctor: My last incarnation... oh, I was never happy with that one. It had a sort of feckless "charm" which simply wasn't me
Peri: What absolute rubbish! You were almost young, and you were sweet.
The Doctor: "Sweet?!" Sweet? Sweet? Sweet? That says it all. No, this has been a timely change. Change? What change? There is no change... no time, no rhyme, no place for space, nothing! Nothing but the grinding engines of the universe, the crushing boredom of eternity!
Peri: He's not himself.
The Doctor: Then who am I?
Peri: I wish you wouldn't keep wandering off like that!
The Doctor: See it more as a mental stroll in a park of psychic tranquility!
The Doctor: Will you stop this nonsense?
Mestory: No, Time Lord!
The Doctor: Then take the consequences!
Mestor: You think I would be so vulnerable? You are an interfering fool!
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