well it just two days to go till the final and its been an exciting week so far and we all cant wait for Saturday so moffat talks Dr who with digital spy
When you came to plan out this series, did you have the finale in your head from the start?
"I had aspects of it. I had certain things I needed that I need to get to, and I had an overarching idea that would, and I suppose it's a better conversation to have after next week's episode. There are certain things that you'll see that have been there from the beginning. There's been quite a careful planning of things, which is pretty obvious from episode 12, that everything was set up and paid off there. There's more coming next week, in the event that anyone comes out of the Pandorica. So yeah, you have to leave yourself some space to improvise, otherwise it gets boring, otherwise you get bored with your own script, and quite a lot of episode 13, which is a mad episode, is brand new. But there are certain key points where I know I wanted 'this'. I'm thinking of the next finale right now so I can plot the rest of the series. I know what the big reveals are and the big hopefully jaw dropping moments are going to be.
"I had aspects of it. I had certain things I needed that I need to get to, and I had an overarching idea that would, and I suppose it's a better conversation to have after next week's episode. There are certain things that you'll see that have been there from the beginning. There's been quite a careful planning of things, which is pretty obvious from episode 12, that everything was set up and paid off there. There's more coming next week, in the event that anyone comes out of the Pandorica. So yeah, you have to leave yourself some space to improvise, otherwise it gets boring, otherwise you get bored with your own script, and quite a lot of episode 13, which is a mad episode, is brand new. But there are certain key points where I know I wanted 'this'. I'm thinking of the next finale right now so I can plot the rest of the series. I know what the big reveals are and the big hopefully jaw dropping moments are going to be.
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